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Dear best friend, partner, companion;

Like I've said before, you're one of the funniest person I've ever met and hearing your dumb jokes, seeing your random expressions when I would make a dumb joke, and your laugh when you see/hear something funny is the highlight of my days. I followed some Instagram pages that were specifically made for dad jokes just so I can tell the jokes to you and see the faces you make and the laugh you make when I tell a bad joke. Seeing you happy or even disappointed in the jokes I make mean the world to me. Thank you for trusting me enough to show me your genuine laugh when I do something funny or stupid or when I'm really clumsy some days.

Just being around you or having you present in the room means a lot to me. I know that I can talk to any time that I want without feeling like a burden on you. I feel comfortable around you and knowing that can I make you tea-kettle laugh is the best feeling in the world.

~Forever yours, Avery Fawkes

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