Part 5. Lost memories. (Co-created with not_canteria)

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 So, after a while back after the incident that occurred in the science lab that Terrence had died in. 
(well maybe, it is unknown. after all he was presumed dead).

jena had been mentally depressed not knowing what to think about the situation. many of her family members had tried to lift her spirits but they all failed in the end. except her brother, who was very close to her. they both fight sometimes but they have a good relationship.

"jena you need to go talk to people once in a while! you cant just stay depressed forever!" jon says.

"but jon i lost one of the most important people to me! how am i supposed to interact with people without thinking about losing them once i get close to them just like terrence...and i loved him dearly, and he just vanished out of my life!" jena says. 

"im sorry jena...but being trapped in your room without eating and taking a shower for 6 weeks straight is NOT a healthy lifestyle at all. especially when you are depressed" jon says.

"jon. you know i cant move on from terrence. He was one of my closest friend..probably even more than a friend😓" jena says.

"jena if you dont go out of that room then i will have to get physical. we cant let you starve." jon says.

"make me-" jena says before she gets interrupted by a knock on her door. jon goes to the door to answer and sees 2 cia agents

"hello jon. we are the cias top agents, Tequisha and Dante. we are here for a person named jena. she was a major role in interdimensional travel around the world. she is so famous that the Chinese and Russian Governments are searching for her. is she here?" tequisha says.

"shes not here, now scram. i dont want any solicitors on my property." jon says before the two agents pull out their badges and silenced m9s

"are you sure about that? after all we are real agents. also how did you get the balls to tell government agents this?" tequisha says while pointing the silenced m9 at jon.

"you know what fine. go straight down there and go right, thats her room. the convincing is up to you." jon says. the two agents follow the path that jon told them and approach the room. after busting down the door jena gets captured by the two agents and is brought into the van. after that she was told to work at a new lab

"where the hell is this?" jena says before her blindfold is removed. jena sees a large core in front of her as well as somewhat sci-fi technology surrounding it. she looks around and sees several scientists as well as a guard with a cybernetic hand and a FN FAL rifle imported from europe that was fitted to use the 30.06 cartridge.

"you are in a classified lab in the utah desert where the most technologically advanced equipment is kept. these equipment were made by the smartest minds of the 20th century. those supposed smartest minds have all worked together to make the many culminations of their wisdom, this lab is one of them as the others are spread across the world. this technology should have been made in the 2010s or the 2020s but here we are now in 1998 with second millenium tech." tequisha says.

"you were one the best researchers back in your old lab. hence the reason why you are here now." tequisha says. jena looks around again and smiles.

"well this is cool." jena says.

end of season one.

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