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++ a/n ok first of all. u guys r going hard w this fic like we're at 8k and i'm not even done yet like THANK U?? so much... w that, i'd like to ask.............

what's ur fav color?

JK OKEY frfr,!,!; um...if u've read any of my other works, what would be ur fav?? if you haven't, then just tell me what ur favourite en-fic is!! :)) (ialwaysaskthisquestionlolsry)

"alright! ring toss relay, first groups! we'll do a quick attendance and then we'll go through a quick run over with what we've practice this past week." their teacher ordered in a loud and clear voice.

the class quickly did as they were told and grouped up with the people they were going to be with for the first sport event. the teacher did a quick attendance before putting his clipboard down on one of the chairs that was gathered around their area for the day.

"men's ring toss relay, you guys know who you are. are you all grouped together already?" the coach asked, looking towards the group of boys that were bunched together and already fooling around among themselves.

"yes, we're all here." jake, the one who was going to be at the starting position of the race answered quickly after scanning and checking to make sure that everyone that was participating in the first event was present.

"alright, you know what to do. you're picking up the yellow rings, remember that." coach said, making eye contact with each one of them to make sure they understood that.

the boys nodded in sync and after that the coach clapped his hands together and sent them off, throwing a fist up in the air to let them know that he was rooting for them.

sunghoon was also apart of this event, along with jungwon and niki. it was nice because they were all his friends so he thought that he shouldn't really stress too much about it.

but he was nervous.

earlier, they had one free block (sorta) before the actual festival. this block was spent doing a quick and short practice for each and every event that they signed up for.

practice wasn't actually doing the whole thing, it was just run through of making sure they knew what they were doing so they wouldn't mess up.

otherwise, if they really did practice each event, they'd be exhausted. plus, there wouldn't be enough time for that.

the rest of the block was just time to themselves, chattering amongst one another. this 'chatter' was mainly about the festival since most of the students were so excited and couldn't wait.

other students were more excited about what came after the sports festival, which was that special celebration namkyu couldn't get out of her head.

unlike the rest of the students, sunghoon was stuck in his own head. thinking his own thoughts and not even trying to be present in what was going on. not that he could anyway.

he was distracted. too fucking distracted. about what? well, about what happened the day before. he was thinking too much about her and how to talk to her since it was delayed because of a 'certain someone'.

that's part of the reason why he was so nervous about the race that was about to start in like... who knows how much longer.

during practice, or rehearsal—whatever you'd call it, sunghoon was so caught up in his own thoughts that he couldn't get a single ring in.

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