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i'm gonna swear.
no i'm not

i dont knwo what to do anymore it's a struggle fr #cryingemoji #totallynotprofessional but i needa say a whole lot of nothing's in order to get back on track,

blah blah blah blah blah ahahjakskaajakksjanaksksjskjsjsjskjskajsjskekwkwnsj


okay, let's start.

"do you... like sunghoon?"

jihyun choked on her own spit, wiping her mouth on her sleeve, forgetting about her tinted lips.

she just groaned and faced namkyu, "i don't like sunghoon! where did get that from? in fact, i don't like him at all..."

the only reaction from namkyu was a raise of her eyebrow as she got confused, so jihyun continued.

"i don't like him. after what he did to you i don't want you to talk to him at all, but i can't control that. i can't show you that either because i don't know how you'll feel. he makes you so head over heels for him and everyone else can see that..." she lets out a deep breath, "i just wish he'd stop getting in your head like that."

the other took in all her words carefully. she understood how her friend felt, because it's true, sunghoon was kind of a jerk during that whole dating thing, but she still felt the genuine care he had for her.

but the more she thought about it, the more she agreed.

she decided to keep quiet at first, knowing that jihyun was going to continue talking.

"i wanted you to get a bit closer with jungwon, and it was working. it's still working, but you still like sunghoon and i just don't get it..." jihyun added. the other stared at her shoe, tracing circles on the floor before raising her eyebrow.

"why does it matter?" namkyu asked, "the feelings i have for jungwon can't be forced no matter how hard i try... same with sunghoon."

jihyun heavily sighed, "i know that. it's just..."

"what?" namkyu asked, desperate to get it out of her, "why didn't you tell me earlier that you felt this way about sunghoon?"

jihyun was silent once namkyu asked that question. namkyu could tell her friend was tensing up, but why?

why was she acting so weirdly?

"namkyu, i'm sorry but... can we continue this conversation sometime else? i really can't do this right now." she closed her eyes slowly before taking a deep breath and turning to look at her friend before forcing a smile, "let's just have fun for tonight, okay?"

there wasn't anything namkyu could do, so she just respected her friend's request. she can't force it out of her friend no matter how hard she tried. it was jihyun's choice whether to tell her or not, and namkyu knew that.

namkyu just nodded before parting from the wall, "fine." she said, walking past jihyun and going back inside the room that was filled with noise and chatter.

the contrast between the environment she just entered was vast. everyone had smiles on their faces and it was loud. some people were silent and staring off into space, making her wonder what they were thinking about.

she had a lot on her mind, so it was uncertain if she was going to have fun or not. but by the looks of it, she didn't think so.

this night was just going to be full of surprises that she least expects. of course, she didn't know that yet...

the only thing she told herself was to just see how things play out for the rest of the night. positivity was a choice at this point, something she had to flip a switch for so that nobody would suspect anything from her.

this was especially needed because she wanted to avoid all questions and weird looks.

she let out a deep sigh, knowing she had to head somewhere quickly before her friend starts going through that door after her.

any second now...

fortunately, someone caught her eye. it was jungwon, he was alone at the food tables, trying all the snacks with a little toothpick. she quickly walked towards him after letting out a chuckle because of how focused he was.

"how is it? is it good" she asked, startling the boy. it was quite a surprise to him considering their little moment that happened earlier, though, namkyu wasn't awkward at all, which made him feel comfortable again.

"hell yeah." he smiled, food still on one side of his cheek, "try this combination, it's weirdly good."

it was a spicy chip dipped in guacamole sauce, (bro wtf am i writing abt atp) namkyu shot him a weird look, making him laugh. "trust me." he said.

she took the chip and hesitated before dipping it in the sauce and slowly moving it closer to her mouth. she closed her eyes and eventually ate it.

while she chewed, jungwon was anticipating her reaction. soon enough, he was satisfied because the girl ended up opening her eyes with shock all over, as if she was surprised that he was right, and... he was.

"woah, what the hell..." she muttered as she grabbed another one, dipping it in the guacamole sauce again. they stayed there for a few minutes just snacking before one of the teacher's caught everyone's attention at the front as he tapped the microphone, which was quite loud.

"hello friends! everyone gathered here today, we just wanted to thank you guys for working hard for the festival. we hope all the hard work pays off tonight because we're going to have the time of our lives!" he said loudly and enthusiastically, everyone clapped after, as if it was one of those overused scenes in a typical american show.

jungwon and namkyu had their mouths full during that little speech, holding in their laughs because they were able to see toilet paper hanging out behind the poor teacher's pants.

after that was done, music started playing again and the two finished up their last bites before laughing about what they had just saw.

"i feel kinda bad, that was so embarrassing." namkyu snickered while covering her mouth.

jungwon scolded her for laughing, "hey! stop laughing that's not nice." he joked, holding in his laugh as well. the guy was no better and he knew that, "but honesty, i can't believe that was real..." he laughed even more, making her laugh harder.

soon enough, she slowly forgot about all the negative things that she started her night with.

all the overthinking and worry she felt was suddenly gone.

and it was because of jungwon...

more of a fun chapt cuz i
forgot EVERYT i was planning

dw im getting back into it tho so
be prepared cuties

sorry for the long wait!

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