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as both sunghoon and jungwon were seated for what was probably a few long minutes, sunghoon couldn't help but to glance over at what jungwon was doing on his phone.

to no surprise, he was sending a few texts to namkyu, which made sunghoon curious. he slightly squinted and saw what the messages said.

"what are you doing?" jungwon noticed him, shutting his phone off.

sunghoon just looked at him, no embarrassment on his face. instead, his eyebrows were furrowed. kind of like he was pissed at what he just saw.

jungwon sighed, chuckling, "nosy sunghoon? classic."

"...what are your intentions?" sunghoon asked, not caring about the insult.

"why do you care? it's none of your business." jungwon smiled, a smile that sunghoon wanted to wipe off his face.

if he wasn't going to do anything bad, why didn't he just say so? why did he have that look on his face that seemed like he was up to no good.

he's right though, it's none of his business.

but there's nothing that's gonna stop him from being concerned about her... sure, maybe he's nothing to her anymore, but he can still care, right?

he knew something was up. actually, he always knew something was up. he just chose to ignore it, because then again, it wasn't any of his business.

there was always an iffy feeling he had about jungwon 'liking' her, he thought it was jealousy—i mean it partly was, but there was a gut feeling that there was always something else.

he wanted to know if jungwon was genuine, so when the two went out to 'talk', sunghoon couldn't help but follow just to check on her.

he purposely eavesdropped on the conversation, out of 'curiosity', but also because he wanted to see if jungwon was bullshitting or not.

though, the outcome wasn't very nice. because one, jungwon actually did confess to her, and two, sunghoon ended up a bit butt-hurt.

what'd he expect?

it's not like he can change the fact the jungwon may actually like her now, but he didn't want that to stop him from trying to make things up for her.

he wanted her, even though he knew she was probably hurt enough by him,

he still wanted her just as bad as he always did from the start.

this wasn't gonna be the first time he's chosen to be selfish, but now, it was the right time to be.

when he stopped listening into the conversation, he forced himself to wait until she came back in. he prayed to god that jungwon would come in first so that he could talk to namkyu alone without jungwon interrupting.

and thankfully, the god's heard him and answered his prayers, making jungwon walk in first. even better, the boy didn't notice that sunghoon was leaning on the wall next to the door, which made things a lot easier.


so there i was, dying to know what her answer was. what better than to ask her myself?

dumb idea, of course. i knew she probably wasn't gonna tell me, but i still tried.

when she walked in, she straightened her posture and put the fakest smile on. she fixed her clothes up as if she was trying to look professional, so i took this time to lean closer to her and whisper,

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