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"i dare you to go out with park sunghoon."

even though previously, jihyun was against the idea of sunghoon and namkyu being together, she realized that maybe they really were meant to be together.

after a long conversation with jungwon that night, it was enough proof to realize that whatever sunghoon and namkyu had going on was genuine, despite it being masked as a dare.

namkyu put jihyun's words into thought. i mean, sunghoon did ask her out because of the dare, which she later found out was completely on purpose.

dick move, hoon. she thought.

after that, she chuckled. a wave of mischief suddenly flowed in her head, interrupting her thoughts.

and so it was decided. she was going to ask him out during lunch break.

as the first two periods passed, namkyu would often look over to sunghoon from time to time. he didn't really glance much at her, which made her feel like it was a bit one-sided.

was she the only one who found him really pretty to the point that she couldn't keep her eyes off him? she sighed, suddenly feeling a bit insecure.

but she didn't let it get to her too much to the point that it'd ruin her mood to do the whole thing.

before she knew it, the bells were ringing to indicate that lunch had started. she felt her heart beating fast in anxiousness.

jihyun sat next to the empty spot next to namkyu and began whispering in her ear, "you ready?" she asked excitedly, "you gonna do it secretly, or in front of the whole class?" she then smirked. jihyun was quite evil.

she kept her head low, rethinking her decisions. it wasn't too late to call it off, right?

sunghoon was walking over and she felt her heart pace quicken. was he going to talk to her?

that's when she felt his hand on her head. he ruffled her hair and made it a complete mess, in which she was quick to stop him. he laughed and looked at her, "you look terrible." he said before walking towards his friends.

her face began to get red from embarrassment. who did he think he was? wait- is that why it was only her staring at his stupidly handsome face?

it pissed her off. this was too unbalanced.

she stood up, and grabbed his hand before he could take another step away from her, "sunghoon." she said.

he froze and turned his head to look at her, "huh?"

her lips quivered before she shook off her second thoughts. "go out with me." she smiled. she could feel the eyes of her classmates all on her.

that smile quickly turned into a not-so-innocent one. sunghoon could tell what she was doing.

she then mouthed the words, "you can't say no."

he couldn't. he absolutely wouldn't. i mean, he did the same thing to her, so she was confident that he'd say yes as well.

a smirk curved onto his lips before he looked around. the people around were indeed staring, so it'd be a jerk move to embarrass her, right?

she was getting anxious, sweating even. what were his thoughts? why was he smirking like that?

his eyes then landed on hers, so she quickly looked down.

"no." he said.

her eyes widened before she slowly let go of his arm. the people began make unnecessary noises and whispers were to be heard all around. this was surely going to spread.

but everything didn't matter anymore. even though she was really embarrassed to the point that she knew she wasn't going to be able to look at him after this, she was actually really confused.

why would he say no? she thought her feelings were finally being reciprocated...

she could feel her eyes welling up, but she wasn't about to cry right now. it would just add fuel to the fire and make the rumours twice as bad as they already will be.

suddenly, a hand made it's way onto her right shoulder.  he took a step closer and that's when she felt his face get close to her left ear.

"kyu. whatever we have going on right now is serious, okay? if i hadn't made it clear to you yet, just tell me." he pulled back to look at her face.

she was still looking down, so he lifted her chin to make her look back at him. he could tell she was on the verge of tears, so he chuckled before planting a kiss on her lips. "i'll be asking you out properly, so just wait a little bit. okay?"

after that, he turned around and walked towards the class door with his hands in his pockets.

"sunghoon! what was that?" a voice said.

ni-ki was just as shocked, "where are you going?" he yelled out.

sunghoon didn't look back, "i'm gonna get a snack." he replied before leaving.

once he left, the whispers weren't even whispers anymore. some were going crazy, asking if what they saw wasn't just a hallucination.

some were even applauding, happy that the long awaited day of their tension being lifted was finally here.

namkyu was a blushing mess. she brought her hand up to brush over her lips with her fingers.

"oh my god, what was that??" jihyun grabbed onto namkyu's sleeve, "what did he say to you?!"

namkyu just sat down before smiling,

"ah... it's nothing."

deep down, even if he didn't say it literally, she knew what he meant. it wasn't going to be a repeat of what they did have.

this time, it was real. sunghoon was going to be her boyfriend, and not for a second time.

he was going to be her's for the first time,

starting from this point.





def not my best work. 😪
so many plotholes that i dnt
think i can even fix but..!!

i'll try my best so pls dw 👍

also! im working on a sequel or spin-off?
(idk what either of those mean)

but just a second story kinda??

it'll be about jungwon
and his past with 😏🤫🤫

so yah!

it'll be in the same universe
as namkyu and sunghoon so 🫢

ok anyways. baiii
i really hope u guys liked this
fic like tbh its the most reads
i've ever got in an on-going story
so tysm for supporting it while it's
not even complete yet lol.

i love u guys more n more everyday
so thank yoiii <333

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