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soon enough, their food arrived. her eyes lit up when she saw the bowl with steam dispersing into the air.

"eat as much as you want." sunghoon says, breaking his chopsticks and licking the tips of it.

she nods happily, "you too." she says, not forgetting about the other boy's stomach.

he just snickers before digging in. they eat hungrily until they can't eat anymore. the two finally end the meal with a satisfied look on their faces.

they're both in tired positions, namkyu leaning on the wall as she tries not to pass out from a food coma, while sunghoon's head is down low as he tries to keep his eyes open.

"i'm so full." he speaks, making the other open her eyes.

"me too..."

sunghoon finally snaps out of it and stands up from his sitting position, "i'm gonna pay." he informs her before walking up to the counter where a lady sits behind.

on the other hand, namkyu slowly recalls what just happened.

would this be considered as her first date?

all she did was lay her head on the table to hide the blush on her face. she'd hate to admit that maybe she was slowly falling for him.

"kyu?" he suddenly says, making her eyes widen before lifting her head.

he stares at her blankly, noticing how her hair had turned into a mess, "ready to go?" he asks, naturally reaching out to fix it.

her eyes stay on his before she nods, standing up and following behind him.

as they walk out, the awkward silence appears again. it's getting dark already since they spent a lot of time at the restaurant.

"thank you." namkyu says, finally breaking the quiet atmosphere.

his hand makes its way to his nape, rubbing it awkwardly, "uh.. yeah, no problem." he replies, not looking at her.

"really." she says sincerely, turning to him, "i had a really good time."

sunghoon just laughs awkwardly, "cause of the food, right?" he jokes.

she just glares, "i'm being serious." she sighs, "with you too, not just the food."

"okay, okay. you're welcome." he leans his face closer, raising his brows and smiling as if he's trying to make her satisfied.

she backs away and hides her smile, making him laugh at her in a teasing manner.

"you're still cute, just as i remembered." sunghoon chuckles, making her stop her tracks in the moment.

"huh?" she stands, a bit puzzled.

did he think she was cute in the past?

he stops as well and turns his head, slowly scratching his nape awkwardly, "sorry, i blurted that out."

"did you think i was cute?" she asked bravely, hoping he'd give her the answer she wanted.

now he was put on the spot, not knowing what to reply with.

and like the coward he is, he tried to dodge the question, "let's keep going, namkyu." he says, turning back around and walking ahead.

"but i want to know." she said, "i'm curious."

he stops walking and gulps nervously before turning back to her, "about what?" he asks, getting impatient. actually, he was just worried that this conversation might turn everything back around.

"why were you so mean to me back then?" she asked, "if you thought i was cute."

he looks to the side, not wanting to keep eye contact with her. he has trouble with honesty. he knows that being honest can sometimes fuck things up and he didn't want that.

but after all this time, he knew that she deserved some honesty, "i was a dumb kid, okay? i didn't know what empathy was, and so i just fucked around as much as i wanted without realizing that some of my actions were really nasty." he admitted, looking her in the eyes soon after he mustered up the courage to do so.

she just raised her brows in surprise while the rest of her face remained blank. she just nodded slowly, "is that the truth?" she asked.

all he did was shrug, "i think so.." he said, looking down at the floor again.

she genuinely smiles, knowing that maybe he was right when he said that he's not the same as he used to be.

before she can speak, he apologizes, knowing that it's finally the right time, "i'm sorry." he says.

she smiles, walking closer to him. she didn't need a reason to know what he was apologizing for, she might've already guessed, "it's okay, park sunghoon-nim" she says playfully, hoping to lighten up the mood.

he lifts his head up and stares at her for a bit. up close, he could see her clearly. he hadn't payed much attention to her facial features, and so, he decided to add that to his lists of regrets because he's just now noticing how attractive she is.

or maybe, he always thought she was attractive. it's just that she grew to be even more attractive than she already was.

"u-um, let's go." he says, trying to pull his eyes away from her. she nods, walking next to him.

they spent the rest of the walk in a calming silence before she stops, "oh." she blurts, noticing that they arrived at her place. they walk the same way, but sunghoon's house is further down.

"goodnight." he says, waving while his other hand is in his pocket as he waits for her to walk in her house.

she stays still for a bit before finally speaking, "goodnight." she says, walking into her house while looking back at him every few seconds.

he smiles as he watches her enter her house, and when the door finally shuts close, he turns around and covers his mouth with one hand.

"holy shit." he mutters, "what was that?"

his hand travels down to his stomach where he feels the butterflies roaming around, he can't get rid of the feeling no matter how hard he tries.

and so, he just accepts it and walks away with a small smile on his face, satisfied with how the day turned out.

once sunghoon arrives home, he quickly reaches into his pocket for his keys, only to realize they aren't there. he looks in each pocket before moving onto his bag.

that was until the sound of the door unlocking caught his attention. he gulped nervously, he didn't keep track of time and realized that his family was probably home.

he just hoped that whoever opened the door wasn't his mom, because, he knows how that'll turn out.

the figure behind the door appears, she crosses her arms and looks at him in disappointment.

"sunghoon." she starts.

he looks at her then pulls his eyes away, scared to keep contact when he knows a scolding is about to happen.

"come inside and change." she ordered, "we need to talk."

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