Cruise Day 1

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Lorenzo's POV
I woke up to my alarm ringing. It was 3:30 in the morning and we had to leave for the airport at 4:30. Antonio and I both got up, showered, and loaded the car. We decided to let Gia sleep through this whole process.

"Why don't you go warm the car up and I'll carry her down." Antonio says right when I put the last bag in the car.

"Make sure you grab her blanket, pig, and cat." I say knowing that she'll need them especially with flying.

I get into the car and get it started while Antonio brings Gia out. He gently set her in the back seat and she didn't stir. We drove to the airport and my whole family was waiting for us. In our defense we do have a kid that we have to get ready also.

As soon as I parked the car. Leo opened Gia's door and got her out. He carried her in the plane and sat her at a window seat so she could lay her head on the window. Gia was easy and stayed asleep almost the entire flight.

Gia's POV
I woke up and saw we were in the plane. I was sitting next to Leo and Lorenzo and Antonio sat In the row facing us.

"Daddy I'm hungry." I say surprising everyone.

"Once we land we will get you something to eat." Lorenzo said going back to his phone.

"Uncle Leo?" I ask watching him.

"What kid?" He asked giving me his full attention.

"Where is Emma?" I ask sad that she didn't come and I was hoping to have at least one girl on this trip.

"She had to stay and work. What am I not enough for you?" He asked fake pouting.

I laugh and we started to land. I watched out the window. We all got off the plane and a limo was on the runway. We all got inside and it started to drive. "Where are we going now?" I asked excited.

"To the boat." Antonio said softly rubbing my thigh.

"How big is the ship? How many people does it hold? What gas does it use?" I ask Antonio.

"I don't know any of those questions baby." He said while the rest of the guys chuckled. We finally pulled into the dock and we got on the ship in no time. We first went to the room. "Wow this is huge." I said jumping on the bed before Lorenzo grabbed me and sat me down.

I went and looked at the window and saw  people boarding the ship but going through a line and a metal detector. "Daddy why didn't we have to do that?" I asked confused.

Lorenzo and Antonio looked at each other and laughed. "We are special guests Gia." He said and ended it.

The rest of the time we ate lunch, walked around the ship, and then a muster drill just in case the boat was sinking everyone knew what to do. We got dressed for dinner and went to the dining room.

After dinner we went to a show and then the guys sat in a bar drinking. I sat in a chair playing on Lorenzo's phone.

"Squirt over there should probably go to bed." Nonno said while pointing to his watch. It was 11:30 and usually I'm never allowed to stay up this late. "We will take turns taking her back for bed so you and Antonio have a chance to relax this week.

"I'll do tonight because I don't think she's going to go down easy." Lorenzo said quietly but I could hear him.

He stood up and reached his hand out, "Come on Gia. You and I are going to head back." He said smiling.

"No daddy! I don't want to sleep yet." I said whining.

He gave me the famous Lorenzo look and picked me up and carried me to the elevators. Once we were inside one and there was no people around I ponded my fist in his back and earned a hard swat on my butt.

"Put me down! I say loudly while trying to wiggle out of his arms.

"Gia stop this!" He said spanking me again. We finally made it back to the room and he set me down on the bed. "You have to get ready for bed." He said and I don't know if I was tired or just delusional at this point but that sent me into a full on tantrum.

I'm sure it was a sight to be seen. I was kicking and punching the bed and screaming and crying. It was like when I started, I could not stop myself. Lorenzo stared at me for a few seconds not sure what to do. Before he sat down on the bed and pulled me over his lap.

He grabbed a fistful of my shirt to hold me down and started spanking me hard. He was spanking the same spot over and over again and it hurt badly. After about twenty swats I went limp over his lap. He pulled me up and I cried into his chest.

"I don't want to see you throw another tantrum like that again little girl. You are way too old." He scolded lightly kissing my head.

"I'm sorry daddy." I said sadly.

"You need to get in the shower. I'll blow dry your hair." He said hugging me tightly one more time and then set me down. I went and showered and brushed my teeth and he blowed dried my hair before putting me in the little couch bed next to his and Antonio's.

He sat next to me and gently patted my back and even though I don't want to I fell into a deep sleep.

I hope you enjoyed reading this! The next few chapters will be Gia on the cruise!

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