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Gia doesn't sleep well due to her excitement. She wakes up often throughout the night and around three she's wide awake. She figured there was no use trying to get anyone up because they would just force her to sleep.

She gently gets up and grabs her suitcase and takes it to the living room and decides to dress herself so Antonio can't. She pulls several dresses and outfits that Antonio put together and finally gets to a pair of leggings and a space T-shirt and settles on that. She then sits at the table and worked to figure out the code on her iPad. Once she finally figured it out, she started to watch a video on the human body.

Around 5 Antonio woke up and looked for Gia since she wasn't beside him. "Hey baby, you're up early." Antonio says and sits beside her

"Hi daddy. I've been up forever waiting for you." she replies taking her iPad and going to his lap and Antonio saw she was 2 hours into the video. From one look at her, Antonio can tell she barely slept.

"Since when were you up?" Antonio says yawning worried that she didn't rest well.

"Three but I woke up a lot last night." She tells him laying her head back against his chest. "Can we go now? I'm already dressed."

"You're going like this?" Antonio says sad because he wasn't able to dress her.

Gia hears his sad tone and looks up and sees the hurt look on his face and feels bad. "You can dress me daddy." She says trying to keep her voice sweet for him because she had fun with him yesterday.

"Really?" Antonio's face lights up and started scanning through the outfits.

Gia cringes with each one he looks at and he finally settled on one. She kept her mouth closed not wanting to fight with him. She sits on the chair at the table while he does her hair. Lorenzo comes out exhausted also but couldn't fall back to sleep with both of them being out of the bed.

"Hi daddy!" Gia says smiling happy that he was awake.

"Hi baby! She's letting you dress her? Wow." Lorenzo syays not believing what he is seeing.

"She's a good girl." Antonio winks at Gia and Gia just gives Lorenzo the look that screams, he left me no choice.

After Antonio is done. She sits on Lorenzo's lap and leans back against his chest. "I didn't sleep good daddy. " she says playing with the strings on his sweatshirt.

"You can sleep I'll wake you up when we're there." Lorenzo says rubbing her back so she will fall asleep. Once he felt that she's sleeping he looks over to Antonio. "This has been going on a few nights now." He whispered feeling weird about her

"I know. It could be from the excitement, but it was happening at home too. Maybe we need to stop letting her take naps in the middle of the day. We could push her bedtime up earlier and see if that helps." Antonio says rubbing Gia'a head.

"Definitely, Something's wrong." He says and they got ready for a few hours while Gia sleeps. They went a few minutes before the place opens so she could be there first.

Gia wakes up once she feels Lorenzo lift her out of the car seat and start walking. She lifts her head up and looks around. "Hi daddy." She says laying her head back on his shoulder and loosely wraps her arms around his neck.

"Nice sleep?" He asked entering the park

"Yeah daddy." She giggles into his neck as her stomach rumbles. "I think I may be hungry." She says. They spot a breakfast diner and walk in and get seated at a table. Gia looks at the menu. "I think l'm going to try waffles today." She says pointing to the one that has fruit and whip cream on top.

They Wanted Her Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon