New Friend

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Lorenzo's POV
Salvatore and I were sitting outside having a drink like old times. Antonio got Gia ready for bed and asleep in record time tonight. It wouldn't surprise me if he bribed her with ice cream or candy to get her to stay in bed.

"My niece's father finally has been letting her see my dad. She's a really cute kid and she is so well mannered." Salvatore said reminding me of the long battle his family has been going through to see this kid . As a father I can understand, I wouldn't want Gia to go spend time with strangers that I didn't know even if they were family.

"What's her name and how old is she?" I asked while taking a long sip of my drink.

"Her name is Maeve and she just turned 8. You know my sister is absolutely missing out on not getting to know her. She's an amazing kid. Her father has done a good job with her." He said with a lot on his mind.

"She's lucky to have him. He sounds like a great guy. He was what? 15 when she was born?"  I asked can't imagine raising a baby that young.

"Yeah. It's crazy! She's been here for a week now. My father said I could bring her to play with Gia. Her dad flys out in another two days to take her back home."

"That sounds nice. Gia will like having someone new to play with." I agree hoping that my little trouble maker doesn't recruit this little one.

Salvatore's POV
I had Maeve and we were on our way for her to have a play date with Gia. She was sitting in the back seat reading a book. She was a smart kid a lot like Gia in that aspect.

"Uncle Salvatore? Grandpa said to my daddy on the phone that Gia had trauma. What does that mean?" She asked innocently.

"Well Mae, Gia was adopted by Lorenzo and Antonio last year and before then she didn't have many people who loved and cared for her." I said trying to keep it simple so she could understand. I didn't want her to have a bad impression before she even meets Gia.

"Oh... that's so sad. They love her and care for her now right?" She asked intently.

"Of course sweetheart. We all do." I said with my heart melting at her words.

"I'll love and care for her too. Don't worry." She assured me and sent me a small smile."

"I know you two will become best friends." I said not in least bit worry. Maeve was definitely emotionally mature and a good kid.

Gia's POV
"Is she going to be here soon?" I asked Lorenzo for the 100th time.

"They are on their way Gia." Lorenzo said and then sat me on his lap on the couch. "Now Gia.... I want you on your best behavior with Maeve. Remember she's two years younger than you so you need to be the good example."

"I'll be good daddy. I promise." I said quickly ready to just have a play.

Soon I heard the door open and I turned and ran to the door. "Hi Salvatore!" I said running over to him and so I could see Maeve. She was around my size and height.  She had a sweet smile.

"Hi Gia!" She said happily.

"Hi! Do you want to play?" I asked excited. She nodded her head before she turned to Lorenzo.
Salvatore's POV
"Hi, it's nice to meet you. My name is Maeve." She said respectfully and held her hand out for Lorenzo.

He shook her hand finding her adorable.

"Aren't you sweet. Hi Maeve, I'm Lorenzo." He got out before Gia took her hand and disappeared up the stairs to her playroom.

"She's so sweet. That was almost too cute." Lorenzo said grinning.

"That's how she always is. She's been with my dad for almost two weeks and I haven't seen her act up or not listen once. It's really interesting to see a child that has no trauma and grew up with steady adults." I said not use to that from Gia, Gracie, or Gabby.

We talked for a while longer before the girls came running back down the stairs. "Can we go outside?" Gia asked jumping in place.

"Please?" Maeve added.

"Sure go ahead. Stay in the gate." Lorenzo said opening the door.

"You two are staying for dinner right?" Lorenzo asked getting stuff out to cook.

"If you don't mind. She seems like she is having fun." I said watching the girls out the window.

"They are good friends for each other." Lorenzo said while I helped him cook.

"Come on girls lets eat dinner." Lorenzo said opening the door to call out.

As on que, Gia screamed out, "no!" While Maeve jumped down and started to walk over to him. She stopped in her tracks and looked at Lorenzo and then at Gia like she was unsure what to do.

Deciding to let Lorenzo deal with his, I went to the door. "Come on Mae, come in and wash your hands." I said really not wanting her to watch Gia and learn to act that way. Without any hesitation she walked over to me and I guided her to the bathroom.

"Why did Gia tell her dad no?" She asked confused.

"Sometimes Gia has trouble listening." I said keeping it short.

"If I don't listen to my daddy. I get in big trouble." She says. I couldn't imagine her actually getting in trouble. She was too sweet.

"Yeah? What does your daddy do?" I asked generally interested and wanted to make sure she wasn't being mistreated.

"Sometimes I lose my iPad or I have to sit on the timeout step. If I'm really really really bad. Daddy will spank me." She said confirming my thoughts on how she was so well behaved.

"Oh. Well you should always listen then huh?" I said taking her back to the table and finally Gia and Lorenzo made it inside.

We ate and as soon as Maeve was done she took her plate to the kitchen cleared it off, rinsed it, and put it in the dishwasher. "Do you want me to help load the dishes?" She asked.

"No sweetheart. We can do that." Lorenzo said guiding her out of the kitchen. "You can play with Gia." He said with a smile. She ran off and I helped him load the dishes.

After we sat at the table talking, "uncle Salvatore? I'm tired and I want to call my daddy." She said yawning and rubbed her eyes. Her bedtime was at 8 and she never fought us on bedtime.

"Okay sweetheart... go tell Gia bye." I said gathering her things.

She ran out and then ran back in. "Thank you Lorenzo for letting me come over and play and for dinner." She said holding my hand.

"You're welcome Maeve. You can come over anytime and have a play date." He said patting her head.

I wanted to introduce a new character for Gia! Please let me know what you think and if you want another/more chapters of Maeve.

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