Clothing Drama

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Gia sleep well into the next day. She wakes up and sees Lorenzo next to her."Hi daddy." She whispers nervous about her punishment.

"Morning baby" Lorenzo says and kissed her head.

"I'm nervous." She whispers. "Can we just get it over with now?" She asks not doing well with drawn out punishments.

"What?" Lorenzo asked shocked.

"Can you just spank me already so I don't have to think about it anymore today?" She asks squeezing her hands together really anxious.

Lorenzo nods getting her point. "Go to the corner please." He starts getting of the bed.

"Awww I hate the corner!" She whined and drop to the floor.

"No whining Gia." Lorenzo scolded.

"Fuck you. Gia whispers under her breath still laying on the floor not moving because she doesn't want to go to timeout.

"That's it!" Lorenzo stood her up and drops her pants and quickly bends her over. "Your behavior is too much now Gia, I think you need a reminder in how to act properly." Lorenzo says and starts to spank her.

"Ow! Stop it! I know how to act properly." She argues back trying to wiggle off his lap but he's holding her too tightly. She reaches her hands back and cover her bottom. "Stop!"

"I don't think you know how because you keep acting like a brat." Lorenzo replies and continues to spank her another 5 times.

"Ow! I'm not a brat." She yells. "You're a big stupid brat!" she screams as the burn intensifies.

Lorenzo gives her 5 more smacks and stood her up disappointed of her actions. "Go to the corner and then you're gonna come back and tell me why you acted this way." Lorenzo says and pulls her pants up.

Gia quickly goes to the corner more than ready to get away from Lorenzo. She stays in the corner quietly for a few minutes. "Can I come out now?" She asks completely bored.

"No." Lorenzo replied

"Why? I've stood here for like three hours." She says dramatically and turns around.

"Your time is not up." Lorenzo says and turned her back around.

Gia whined loudly and kicks the corner hard. She quickly calms herself back down and pushes herself closer to the corner so she's tightly squeezed on the wall.

"Don't lean on the wall Gia." Lorenzo scolded and waited for the time to finish.

Gia doesn't move and leans even closer to the wall. She starts crying and sniffled loudly while trying to hide her cries.

"Come here." Lorenzo calls when the time was up
Gia quickly wiped her tears away and kept her head down and walked over to him. Instead of looking at Lorenzo she looks down at her feet.

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

"Why were you acting that way baby?" Lorenzo asked not understanding.

Gia tries to think and think but can't even think of a reason herself. "I don't know why I was doing it. I just couldn't stop once I started." She says feeling bad instantly. "I'm sorry daddy. Do you hate me now? She asks and looks at him with tears all over face.

"I didn't like how you acted Gia, but I'll never hate you baby." He says and puts her on his lap.
Gia snuggles into his chest and hugs him tightly.

"Daddy I just want to go home so badly." She says wanting and missing her normal routine and her playroom. "Am I still in trouble?" She asks innocently just wanting to play.

They Wanted Her Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon