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Lorenzo's POV
We were getting ready to fly out to officially conduct business with Justin. It was going to be a few days deal and we were hoping to combine our Mafia side with his business side. He was successful and we were successful if we combined forces we could be the strongest one in the world.

Gia was in a huge mood the entire day. I tried to get her to talk and express what was wrong but she refused to admit that anything was bothering her.

"You have 5 minutes Gia and you need to get ready for bed." I said calmly. I knew if I showed my frustrations with her attitude she would just escalate further. She was sitting on the couch playing some new game she found on her iPad. She was obsessed with it and it has been the cause of every meltdown before bed for the past week.

"I need to beat the daily challenges first." She said back not even looking up from the game.

"Five minutes." I said straight back not giving into her.

"No." She said making me turn around.

"Gia.... I'm not playing any more games today. You have five minutes and you will be done." I said again.

"I want to finish it. Just leave me alone. Go do something else." She said with an attitude.

"That's it you're done now." I said over the constant attitude today. I've dealt with it all day by myself and I needed to get a break from it. I took the iPad out of her hand and put it on the top shelf of the bookcase where she couldn't get it.

"That's not fair. You are being a total jerk. Give it back now." She said not faltering in the slightest. I sat in my chair knowing if I did anything, I was going to spank her and I was angry and didn't want to hurt her.

"This attitude needs to stop now." I said sternly.

"Shut up." She said without thinking. Once she realize what she said and once it sunk in what she said. I quickly stood up from the chair. I lunged to grab her and she quickly bolted up the stairs with amazing speed and slammed the door to her room close.

I took my time going up the stairs so I could think clearly. I stopped outside of her door knowing she couldn't lock it. We took all the locks off because she continuously locked us out.

Gia these are your choices right now , either you will come out and get your spanking or you will lose the iPad for two weeks." I said still talking through the door.

"I don't want either." Came the snarky reply.

"If I pick. You're getting both." I warned just wanting her to sleep so I can work.

"Ugh! Fine I pick a spanking. Are you happy now?" She said while opening the door.

"Go get in a corner and don't move." I said pointing to one behind her. She stomped her way over and I sighed deeply. I got pajamas out of her dresser and put them in her bathroom. I got her a towel and hung it up. I went to my room and turned on her oil diffuser adding extra lavender. I sprayed pillow mist on her pillow and set up her bears and blanket in the bed so she was ready.

I went back into her room and sat on her bed. "Come here little girl." I said waiting for her to turn around. She turned but didn't come over. "Gia now!" I said raising my voice.

Her attitude disappeared for a slight second but quickly returned. "I'm coming! You don't have to scream at me." She said matching my tone of voice.

"You're already in big trouble over your attitude. Do you want to add to it?" I asked grabbing her hands and trapping her between my thighs. She just shrugged her shoulders.

"What's wrong? Why are you acting like this?" I asked confused trying to read her body language. From being in the mafia I am an expert on body language but I could rarely read hers. She was good at masking things.

"Nothing is wrong. I told you one hundred times already." She said still mad about something.

"Okay then. You're going to get a spanking. Why?" I asked deciding to just get it over with.

"I was rude and talked back."

I knew she knew what she was doing. I don't know why she kept pushing. I put her over my lap and wrapped an arm around her waist. I didn't need to lock her feet because she still wasn't close to being able to touch the floor. I spanked her a good 12 times making sure it would sting but not hurt her severely.

Once I was done. I brought her up so she could stand in front of me. She still had a rigid edge to her. "You're just wasting your time. I'm too old for spankings now and that didn't even hurt." She snarled at me.

I couldn't even hide my shocked expression. I wanted my old sweet Gia back. This wasn't my baby. "Ok I'm going to waste some more of my time then. " I said bringing her back over my lap. This time I took her pants down and spanked her bare bottom until it was a light red and hot. I heard a sniffle and brought her back up. " I'm done Gia. I'm over your attitude and snarky remarks. Your comments are rude and hurting my feelings and making me feel disappointed. " I said knowing my lecture could be enough.

"I'm sorry." She choked out and started crying. I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her head. She didn't relax into my hold like she normally did she stayed stiff and rigid.

She pulled away. "I want to be alone and get myself ready and in bed." She said shocking me. Bedtime was always a stressful time for her due to her anxiety.

"Baby I'm not upset anymore. I'll help you get ready." I said feeling bad.

"I want to be alone." She said going into her bathroom. I honored her wishes and went down to my office. I turned on the camera so I could watch her once she left her bathroom. I waited and after her shower she came out and went and laid in my bed. She laid down and I went and started working.

After a while my door slowly opened and Gia walked in. She came to me and climbed on my lap and instantly started sobbing. Her whole body was shaking she was sobbing so badly.

"Shhh. Baby .... It's okay. Daddy's here." I said softly patting her back. I stood up and picked her up and she instantly put her head on my shoulder. "What's wrong baby?" I asked once her cries finally broke to sniffles.

"I'm scared." She cried.

"Of what baby girl?" I asked again hoping to get through her walls.

"I don't want to fall asleep alone." She mumbled rubbing her eyes.

I nodded my head. I took her up the stairs back into my room. I stood her in front of the bed and went to my bathroom and got a wet washcloth and wiped her face.

I went into my closet and changed and picked her up and sat her in bed. I got in on my side and pulled her so I could hold her tightly in my arms and she laid her head on my chest.

"Everything will be fine baby girl." I assured kissing her face a few times.

"You won't leave me right? You'll stay in bed with me?" She asked trying to keep her eyes open.

"Of course baby. I'll never leave you." I say watching her eyes finally shut. I lay staring at her for a while. I didn't understand what was wrong or why she wasn't saying anything that was bothering her but I knew I needed to give her time and eventually she would explain.

Sorry for the long awaited update. Please tell me what you thought of this chapter. Do you agree with how Lorenzo handled it?

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Aug 31 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

They Wanted Her Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon