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((A/N: TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ ⛔️ Gaslighting and mentions of abortion ahead, also I think I need therapy...))

((Ran's POV))

I was in deep thought as I watched the other prisoners fighting amongst each other.

It has been a few weeks since me along with the other executives of Tenjiku got arrested.

Life here wasn't TOO bad, but it still sucked.

But it gave me time to think.

To think about all the decisions I have made.

After the fight between Tenjiku and Toman, I realized something.

I wasn't strong.

I couldn't protect Rindou against The Blue Ogre.

And I couldn't even fight him off.

Hell I didn't even SEE him coming.

So I started thinking about someone that has been on my mind heavy since that night.








Nobody except for Rindou knew about this but....I had been seeing someone.

I met her when me and Rindou went to the store to pick up some things.

It was a new place so me and Rindou were a bit lost so we asked someone to help.

And (Y/N) happened to be there.

It was just a simple question and then we parted ways.

But then I saw her again when I was riding back home.

It was getting dark and she was waiting for the bus.

I usually just shrug my shoulders and keep riding, but something told me to go to her.

I offered her a ride back to her place but she refused.

Instead of driving away like most people would, I stayed and kept her company until the bus showed up.

After that night we exchanged numbers and have been talking ever since.

Between me living a gang life and her having strict parents, we decided to keep our relationship a secret.

As romantic as it sounded, it was the hardest damn thing I've ever done.

I began remembering all the times I would sneak off to meet her.

Staying in my room longer just so I could have private conversations with her.

All the times I would get pissed off because Rindou and his 'friends' were too damn loud when I was trying to talk to her on the phone.

I told her I would never lie to her.

I would never leave her.

And that I would protect her no matter what.

But that all changed after that night.

If I couldn't protect my brother....

....Then I probably can't protect her either.

The thought of (Y/N) being in danger while I lay helpless scared me to the core.

And I didn't want her to go through that.

The One That Got Away ~ Ran HaitaniWhere stories live. Discover now