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Gemma's POV

I can't seem to stop crying since what happend but I made the best decision I could make: go to the police no matter what Harry said or the blackmailer. I told them how Louis looked his name , also that friend of him. They are searching for him now.

It's just I can't forget that look on his face when Louis said that about my parents , Harry didn't say anything but his eyes spoke more words than his mouth ever will do. He agrees.

'Gemma dinner' my dad said swinging the door open happily , I get a feeling of disgust towards him.

Mom is quiet to quiet if you ask me normally she'll talk about what she done with the girls. Dad eats happily his food and I only look at them not even taking one bite. Every bite I want take reminds me that Harry probably or nothing or hardly get any food.

'Gemma eat' my dad demanded 'No' I said , normally I would do what he wanted but now it's different he didn't even show any sorrow because Harry disappearence. 'I don't like this behavior Gemma' my dad said pissed, I don't like your behavior to Harry. 'Fine stay silent' my dad said angrily.

I stand up and throw the food in the bin , I walk upstairs. I'm never disrespectful to my dad but now , now I can't look him in the eyes without feeling disgusted. In my room I see a picture of me and Harry as kids , a stupid smirk on his face plastered that smirk never changed.

Every year it seemed like that smirk grew bigger until one particular year since than the the smirk decreased on pictures.

I gasp in shock , I take a family and friends picture in my hand it's one of last year it was a short holiday. 2 things catch my eye , where is Harry?! That I never saw this earlier. He was with us why isn't he on the picture. Wait,,,,

** 'Enough Harry! You never no when to stop do you?!' Dad yelled at Harry, he threw a ball multiple times at my head and I really got an headache.

'I didn't meant to give her a headache!' He said , I see he is honest. 'Why do you never think! that you aren't the smartest is a real burden already but I thought you were smarter' Dad yelled angrily.

I'm talking to a girl I already forgot her name but she is really nice , still I can hear dad's voice come above our chatting.

'HOW CAN YOU!' Harry yelled miserable 'Go to the room' dad said more calm , he trudges away.


I still don't know why he was not on the family and friends picture. That girl I talked to , her name was Lottie

and the guy in the back that's Louis it can't be someone else , sharp cheekbones , electric blue eyes goofy smirk. But here he looks so...sweet.

I take the picture and run downstairs.

'Mom!' I yelled , running to the living room together with my dad they watch the news.

'Ssssh!' They say pissed I ignore them 'This is the guy who kidnapped Harry !' I said mom stands up and looks at the picture.

I point at Louis 'The son of Jay?' She asked surprised 'Jay Deakin? A Tomlinson? No not possible' She said.

'I'm sure mom , he told me to run before he'll shoot me' I said with tears in my waterline , why don't she believe me?

'Oh Gemma don't cry , I just... it surprises me I would never thought Jay's son would do that let's go to the police than' she said.

The whole ride to the police I was buzzed with excitement.

An officer came fast 'Tell me what you know more sister Styles' he said.

'This picture' I pushed to him and he looks at it. I point at Louis 'He told me he'll shoot me if I didn't run fast on the moment me and my brother were at the lake' I said , the officer writes things fast down.

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