meats abd grittles

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we start our story in monster prom high schooookener. everyone is a lil snervous abut prom cumming up in dove weeks. who's gonna go with who. let's meet our players. i mean let's me our players i mean let's meet our players i mean let's meeet our players i mean

we start with our dear beloved sexy hot cute baby rick n. cabesaa . (your welcome you're no longer naked in a bear skin rug with tyrion or spitting spit into harry's mouth. and you're sitting right next to me at legs langton to kick me in the face g ) rick is a fiesta, a true moment as they would say. she is a decendyen of the headless guy and the wet buddussy

next is cici gabe lin. a silly little goblin who steals peoples ear wax and ussses it for a nice wet moist sticky lube ! fun ! we tried to ask "why do you do such things lil guy im big guy" and they just respond with "curtain. curtain. curtian@ " in a raspy voice they're cool. don't be foooled. by them being a goblin. his member is MASSIVE

then we have meghan. meghan l prican is a fun libra who is down for a good time ;) tm. when looking at her you think, oh that could be a plant. you would be right

finally we have our sexy nice hot sweet beloved madison vu dude. a voo doo doll who has never listened to the voo do dlls. hey she could stab her vagina and you would feel it! a nice party trick ya dig dog dig dog my gif dig dog

and that is west our story starts. monsters high ( we do not own copy rights to monsters high. just diner jnow theirs actually name. ) in search of finding a prom date

ted in the monste rprom ted in prom monsterWhere stories live. Discover now