The Process of Healing

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Tommy had to do some major adjustments to the shower temperature. He had to stand on his toes to reach, which was painful as it is. On top of that, the dial here seemed to be custom made, and was a literal deathtrap.

The water temperature was set to two thousand degrees! Who in the hell would take a shower that hot?! 

Not Skeppy, that's for sure...

It was probably one of the demons. Someone with a natural heat tolerance so high that lava was just 'toasty' to them.

Unless it was Skeppy, trying to pull one of his unbearable trolls...

Regardless, he ended up taking a lukewarm shower, as to not irritate his burns. It was still a really nice feeling, watching all the blood and dirt being washed down the drain. Of course, the satisfaction didn't last long as time kept dragging on and on, but Tommy didn't feel like he was getting much cleaner.

The same amount of dirt and blood was consistently washed down the drain for about and hour and a half. He couldn't tell if it felt good to finally scrub himself off after months in Pogtopia, or if watching this just made him feel disgusting and sick.

Another two hours ticked by, and the hot water was still going strong. By now, he was pretty much as clean as he was ever going to be, and he was just craving the comforting feeling of the water. 

It hurt too much to stand after the second hour passed, the discomfort of his ankle was slowly killing him as it was. He allowed himself to sink to the floor, just waiting out the hot water. He had decided that he was going to stay in the water until it ran cold, which may take a while.

"Tommy? Are you doing okay in there?"

"... Yeah! I'm fine, Bad." He called back in response to the demon's semi-concerned tone.

Water was trickling down his body, making his soggy blonde hair frame his face. His fingers were, by now, as pruny as they were ever going to be, and he was just staring at a corner, completely zoned out. 

His blue eyes were dull, and emotionless. There wasn't a single thought behind them. He was just trying to enjoy the water for as long as possible, ignoring the rest of the world... and all of the injuries plaguing his body.

"Tommy, I have some clothes for you. Can I come in? I'm going to set them on the counter by the sink." Bad asked very politely, in an apparent attempt to make sure that he was okay. Not only with the idea of someone coming in while he was showering, but just... in general.


In all honesty, it was weird having someone care enough to ask before coming in. Wilbur and Techno wouldn't have... although, Techno would have completely ignored his existence, and Wilbur wouldn't have come in unless he needed something...

Tommy did his best to ignore Bad, even as he allowed himself in. But it was hard to ignore a demon wearing a checkered bandana over his eyes...

"What the fuck are you wearing..?!" He questioned after a moment, a very confused mass building in his head.

"Language!" Bad scolded, setting the neatly folded pile of clothes on the bathroom counter, "I just... didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

"Um, thanks..?" He managed to respond, still very confused as Bad began to leave.

"No problem! Also, you can take as much time as you want, but could you try to be out soon? I need to make sure you aren't severally injured."


"Alrighty. Thanks, you little muffin."

And with that, he left, shutting the door behind him.

At the five hour mark, Tommy finally got bored of sitting in the shower. He slowly stood up, feeling his body, specifically his chest and ankle, scream at him to stop. The pain was clawing at his insides, and it was finally starting to get through to him.

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