Detention and Bargaining

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And there he was... Detained in a stone cell. Tommy had doubled over on the bench, leaning himself in a way that he still felt slightly firm, even as the anxiety clutched him. He ran his hands through his drying blonde hair, feeling as the the moisture entered into his fingerless gloves.

He hadn't fought when Dream had shown up to arrest him... Though he was really stating to wish that he had. Because even then, with a busted lip and broken bone... He would have stuck it to the bastard. Maybe clocked him in the face, or whatever was under that horrid mask. At least then it would have had a purpose... Like hiding a black eye.

No... Instead he was sat in a cell... Unharmed, but still, somehow, feeling worse.

He was going on trial for whatever crime counted towards burning down George's house. That would be arson, right? But arson is supposed to have malicious intent... meanwhile, this was an accident...

"You have five minutes." A voice clears the air as the barred shadows slid to the side with a low rattling sound. It took Tommy a moment to look up at his guest... mostly out of shame.

His eyes lit up when he saw his father. Not the tall one that he was expecting to come lecture him, but the cool diamond one who probably would let him off the hook...

"Dad!" Tommy shot up from his bench and practically grappled onto him. Even Skeppy was taken aback by that as he awkwardly patted the blonde teenager on the back. 

"Oh my- Hey there buddy!"

"Dad... where is Bad?! What's going on?" Tommy demanded answers to the problems that he had caused. He had been kept in the dark about what was going on, and the stress was eating away at his insides and making him want to throw up.

"Hey, hey... calm down buddy... it's okay." Skeppy began as he pulled away from him. "Remember what Bad told you. Deep breaths kid. There's no reason to overwhelm yourself right now."

"The hell do you mean there's no reason?!" Tommy snaps, practically yelling at his parent, "I'm in jail, and dad is doing god knows what instead of visiting me, which means it's important! You're telling me that's not a good fucking reason!?"

"Tommy!" Skeppy's voice was firm, but not yelling. He takes his sons hands in his own as he looks directly at him. "Things are going to work out. Freaking out over things you can't undo only makes situations worse."

The teenager stares at the man he grew past a year ago, holding his gaze before letting out a breath, relaxing slightly at his father's advice. And Skeppy gave him the moment. Didn't say anything else that would weigh on his child before he knew that he was calm. After a bit, he dropped Tommy's hands, alongside one of his own, moving the remaining one to his child's shoulder.

Once everything had stilled... it took Skeppy a minute to collect himself enough to verbalize his next sentence.

"Im disappointed in you, kid." He leveled, his tone even and neutral, but he did it in a way that didn't cause his grip to tighten on the skin he was clutching. To which Tommy bowed his head in shame.

"I know... I should have known better... it was wrong to burn down George's house... I should have-"

"What?!" Skeppy interjects, genuinely taken aback, "You think I care about the stupid fucking house? Sapnap accidentally burns something down every other week! No... I'm disappointed that you got caught in the act."

Tommy blinked a few times, simply out of pure confusion... He wasn't mad? It didn't seem like it... The teen honestly didn't expect any other reaction other than anger and disappointment, so this turn of events really threw him for a loop.

"Rule number one of trolling!" Skeppy smirks before dramatically turning away from him, "Don't get caught! Ever! Unless that was the point of the troll."

"You aren't mad?"

"Mad? Ha! If anything, I'm proud that you're trying to live up to my image... just don't get caught next time, okay?" Skeppy jokes a bit, turning back as his smile fades.

"... What's happening out there..?" Tommy mumbles, unsure if he even wants to know based on his father figure's grim expression.

"... I don't really know kid..." He finally admits, looking away, "... The country leaders aren't pleased with your little joke... Bad's fighting for his life out there trying to defend you from the harsh punishments that are being discussed... It sounds bad though... And it also sounds like your father owes Dream a favor... I can't see this going too well, kiddo."

"...Thanks Dad..." Tommy just mutters after a moment, completely shutting down as he sinks back down onto the cold bench. The darkness around him felt about ready to swallow him up... Why did he even want to know? He was far more content without that knowledge...

To make matters worse, before his father could get another word in, one of the guards, Sapnap, appeared in the door, signaling that it was time for him to go. Skeppy bid his child farewell... seemingly reluctant to leave. He did exchange a few words with his older son before leaving for real though...

And once he left, the hall seemed to grow colder... and Tommy could feel Sapnap's eyes on the side of his head, prickling more sharply than a box of needles.

After a tense few minutes, Sap slid the door shut, locking it behind him. He turned away, but before he left the child his parents were raising, he shot a few words in his direction, uncaring towards whether he listened or not.

"You caused them all this trouble, what gives you the right to mope? They're my parents too, and yet you always manage to do stupid things that waste their time. I'm not going to play happy family with you when this is your own fault."

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