Chapter 6

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When Paul showed up twenty minutes later, I was fully ready to go. I had put my hair into a low ponytail and pulled a few pieces out to frame my face. I put on some makeup, opting not to go for a full face of glam since I didn't know what we were doing.

When he pulled up out front in an old pick up truck, I smiled a bit. The truck was nice. He'd clearly restored it. He walked up to the porch where I was sitting waiting for him with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"Thank you," I said softly as he handed them to me.

"Go put them in some water," he said as I looked down at them.

"I know what to do with them. It's just no one's ever done this for me before," I said.

"No guy has ever tried to woo you?"

"Not this successfully," I said. He chuckled and opened the door to the house for me, letting me lead the way into the kitchen to where there was a vase of dead flowers.

"Oops," I said, tossing them in the trash.

"Who was trying to woo someone?" He asked. "Those flowers were expensive."

"Olivia brought em home with her one night. Said she thought the kitchen could use some color."

"She's not wrong," Paul said, taking in the all white kitchen. "I still think someone's trying to woo her."

"Maybe," I said. "She hasn't really moved on from my uncle. I'm not sure she ever will."

"This him?" Paul asked, looking at one of the pictures. I nodded a little and smiled.

"That is. He was the best uncle and husband. They were so in love from the day they started dating."


I nodded and he offered me his hand. I took it and immediately noticed that he felt incredibly warm to the touch. I didn't mind though because I was always cold.

He led me out to the truck and opened the door for me.

The drive was short but Paul filled the time with conversation. When he pulled the truck to a stop we were at La Push beach.

"What are we doing here?"

"Beach sunsets are my favorite. I watch them almost every night. There's a cliff up there. I'm going to take you up there."

I agreed and we got out of the truck together heading into the woods on a footpath. It took about fifteen minutes to walk up to where the overlook was.

"It's beautiful up here Paul," I said. He laid a blanket down for us to sit on.

"I love it here. Sometimes I come up here just to think but usually we use it for cliff jumping."

"For what?"

"Cliff jumping," he said laughing at me as he sat down across the blanket from me.

"And why does that sound like you jump off the cliff into the ocean?" I asked.

"Because that's exactly what it is."

"And you all just jump from up here?" I glanced out at the water and got nervous instantly. I've done some reckless stuff but that could kill a person.

"Sam, myself, and a couple others jump from up here. We make everyone else jump from lower down. Except this girl Bella Swan. She snuck up here one night and none of us noticed. Luckily Jake was nearby and saved her life. She took off to Italy to save her ex that night."

I laughed a little at the story. There was no way that was real.

"My aunt has told me about a Bella Swan. Talk of the town a few years back."

"Yeah she, uh, well she announced her engagement to her fiancé."


"Yeah fresh outta high school and getting married," he shook his head.

"Something wrong with that?"

"Just marriage," he said.

"Tell me about it," I said, bitterness dripping my voice.

"Your parents too?"

I chuckled a little. "Something like that. I caught my dad in bed with a girl I went to school with. Mom forgave him. I couldn't."

"That why you're here?"

I nodded a bit and we fell into a conversation about our families.

When the sun had fully set and Paul was taking me home, he asked me to be his girlfriend.

Davina Renee Moore || A Paul Lahote Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now