Chapter 10

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Over the next couple months, I settled into the routine of being a single mom. Abi helped a lot, for which I will always be in her debt. I wouldn't have survived it without her.

Paul still called at least once a day and I usually ignored it. The more I ignored him though, the more I wanted him back. We were nearing a year since I'd seen him and all I wanted was him back. I tried to hide it since I'd been so adamant about hating him.

"Abi," I said softly as she got home from work.

"What's up Dee?"

"I think I want to go back," I said.

"To Forks?"

I nodded. "I called Liv and talked to her. I just, something is pulling me back and I need to be there."


I nodded. "He's my soulmate. It physically hurts to ignore his calls. I know I've fucked things up by keeping Archer a secret but I need to go back and own up to it."

"If that's what you want," she said. "I'm here to support you."


"Yeah really," she said. "I thought you were over reacting."

"I might've."

"How're you gonna fix it?"

"I don't know, but I know I'll hate myself forever if I don't try."

"When are you going?"

"Tomorrow. Liv is going to let us move back in with her."

"Why don't I take a few days and come with you?" I agreed and she started helping pack up our cars with Archer's stuff.

That night when Paul called, I didn't ignore it. Luckily Archer was asleep, so he didn't make any noise while I was on the phone. I still wasn't sure how to tell Paul about that part.

"Hello," I said softly.

"Davina?" He asked. He sounded terrible but it was definitely my Paul.

"Yeah," I said.

"Where are you?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm headed back to Forks in the morning."

"Can we meet up?"

"I'd like that a lot Paul."

It was quiet for a few minutes since neither of us knew what to say next.

"I'm sorry," I said. "For taking so long to sort myself out and answer."

"You don't have to apologize. I wouldn't have answered either. I'm sorry too Dee. I never should've let her get between us."

"It can't happen again," I said.

"Never Dee. You're the only girl I want in my life."

My heart felt like it was glued back together when he said that. I knew I'd forgive him far too quickly

"I've gotta go Paul. I'll call you once I'm back," I said. He said goodbye and I hung up the phone, wiping away my tears. I went to my room and sat down on the bed.

What was I getting myself into?

I laid down and fell asleep, sleeping for a bit before Archer needed fed. As I was feeding him I couldn't help but wonder how Paul was going to take the news. I contemplated calling him again and telling him now so he could calm down before I got there.

I couldn't bring myself to do it. For some reason I felt like he'd take it better while holding Archer.

The next morning couldn't come fast enough, but once it got there I was dreading returning to Forks. Something bad was going to happen. I could just feel it.

Davina Renee Moore || A Paul Lahote Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now