Chapter 7

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I was barely in the door when my aunt was all over me with questions. I laughed a little as I asked her to settle down.

"I need to breath."

"You have a boyfriend now though," she said, earning a nod and a smile in response. She squealed like a teenager being asked out by her crush.

"This is huge," she said.

"It's not that big of a deal."

"Like hell it isn't."

"Liv," I said. "Please."

"Don't tell your parents?"

"Not til I tell them. Which I'll do tomorrow when my mother calls to try and convince me to talk to my father again."

Those phone calls were near daily now, and I usually tried to avoid them. My mother knew my stance on the matter and that I am far too stubborn to forgive and forget.

"She still think you'll forgive him?"

I nodded in response gaining and annoyed sigh from Olivia.

"Someday she'll catch on Dee."

"I know. Just wish she would soon."

It fell silent for a few minutes as we both checked our phones. Paul had made it home safe and was going to get some sleep. He'd been up since about four am.

"Alright, I'm going to shower," I said. "And probably just head to bed after."

"I'm going to Port Angeles in the morning for my back to school shopping so I can start working on my classroom."

"I'll see you when you get home then."

We said our goodnights and I headed up to the bathroom for a shower.

The next day passed as many of the coming days soon would. I woke up to an empty house, got breakfast, did some work, ate lunch, did some more work, made dinner, ate dinner with Olivia, and relaxed before bed. Scattered throughout the day I would text Paul, and some evenings we would hang out either at the house or the beach.

Paul was my everything. In just a few weeks I knew he was the man I wanted to marry. He always said he felt the same way about me, and I believed him. Anyone watching the two of us could plainly see we were meant to be together. I'd seen it too. Olivia took a video of us one night as we were goofing off and making brownies for the guys.

I'd met most of his friends on different occasions and they all seemed cool. Sam's fiancé Emily quickly became one of my favorite humans and closest friends. They all liked me and were excited to see Paul so calm and happy.

Everything was going perfect. Paul and I had taken several steps forward in our relationship in the first few months. We were even talking about marriage and forever, so I didn't think anything of it the night the condom broke. Neither did he.

But then, three weeks later he got distant quick. Something changed in him overnight and I couldn't get him to answer his phone or respond to my texts. Something had to be going on. It was shortly before Christmas, and he bailed on our Christmas plans. That was my tipping point. I drove out to Sam's knowing Paul would be there.

"Where is he?" I asked Embry. He and Quil we waiting on the porch as if they knew I was coming.

"You don't wanna know," he said.

"If you don't tell me I will find him myself."

I pushed past the two and into the house. They tried to stop me, I'll give them that. I should've listened too. When I walked into the living room, Paul was sitting on the couch with some girl that I didn't recognize laying in his lap. They were watching a movie and laughing.

"We're done," I said before turning and walking out. He tried to yell for me but I ran out of the house. Emily chased after me.

"Hey, I'm so sorry," she said.

"You're not the one that cheated on me," I said.

"I wasn't cheating," Paul said, having finally made his way outside.

"What do you call it then?"

"Rachel's an old friend," he said. "We were catching up."

"Rachel as in Black as in your fucking ex?" I asked. He nodded. "And let me guess she came back to town and you reconnected three weeks ago." Again, he only nodded. "Fine then don't call it cheating but I'm not staying with someone who is blatantly ignoring me for his ex. We had plans today Paul. Important plans. And you didn't even have a good reason to not be there. So fuck off."

I got in my car and he tried to stop me. He was so angry he was visibly shaking. Sam came out of the house, jumping the steps and yelling at Paul as I sped back towards Forks.

Davina Renee Moore || A Paul Lahote Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now