These quotes are incorrect

42 2 2

^^^^ that one is from the generator lol


Goggles: :)

Mask: >:(

Goggles: turn that frown upside down 

Mask: ):<

Goggles: not sure what I was expecting 


Vintage: what's it like being tall?

Prince: is it nice?

Army: can you  reach comfortably for the cupboards?

Rider: we live in constant fear of the short ones  who, in my experience , will climb  four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed chairs to get what they want.

Goggles: that was one time!


*Mask teaching aloha how to drive  and taking skull for the ride*

Mask: that's a pothole. To the left!

Aloha: take it back no yall! *drives into the pothole*

Skull: *sticking his face in the front over the center console* cha cha real smooth 

Aloha: I don't think that's how the song goes

Mask: *crying and gripping the handle* please just take me home

Aloha: country roads

Skull: to the place 

Aloha and skull in unison: I belong!

Mask: *crying* what the fuck??


Goggles, watching power lines fall down: Army! Rider! The towns exploding and its very pretty!


Double egg: what if I lied this whole time and I'm actually 18

Omega: Double egg ,stop trying  to get drugs

Double egg; don't surpress my interests


Army: I never said I was gonna get back together with them. But I was thinking, they're  in town, would it be the worst thing if I gave them a call?

W-sailor: no no Army it  wouldn't be the worst thing in the world it would be the 4th worst thing In the world. Number one: a super volcano. Number two: an asteroid hits earth. Number three: all the evel knievel movies are lost.  Number four: Army calls forge. Number five: B-sailor gets eaten by a shark.

B-sailor: I'm B-sailor and I approve of the order of that list.


Rider: this bloodline ends with me

Aloha: that's the fanciest way I've heard someone say 'I'm gay'


Aloha: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm somebody's soul mate like- I'll make you pancakes and bacon everyday 

Army: this is a lie

Army: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie



Headphones: you know you remind me of all 26 letters in the alphabet?

Bobble: what? Like j f k w s q x-

Headphones: no like, u r a q t

Bobble: aww!


I would tell you my sleep schedule is good this week but

It's not lol.

I'm a Gemini 

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I'm a Gemini 

I like the incorrect quote generator 

~have a good day/night

Ace's brainrot shitWhere stories live. Discover now