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You and Leo were more like siblings than friends, but you were a child of Poseidon and he was a child of Hephaestus. Everyone was surprised you two would get along because you were the total opposites. But you two had a secret relationship since Percy didn't quite approve of your friendship. He would probably kill the poor guy if he found out.

You and Leo were battling in the arena and Percy was watching in the stands, this kinda made you nervous. Leo walked up to you after a break and whispered in your ear,
"You'll be fine (nickname), just concentrate on me"
You smiled and went to attack Leo, you were both using your powers so it was going to be fun. You both dropped your weapons, Percy stood up and ran in the middle,
"Y/n what do you think your doing!"
You smirked at Percy,
"We're just having fun Perce, lighten up."

Knowing he wasn't going to win against his sibling he backed away and sat next to Annabeth, you locked eyes with Leo and ran towards him. He shot a ball of fire at you but you easily dodged it and soaked Leo head to toe.

~~~~~5 minutes later~~~~~
You and Leo were exhausted, you judo flipped Leo but he pulled you down with him. You went to kiss Leo but he stopped you,
"Y/n Percy is still watching."
You had gotten tired of keeping this secret from Percy, besides it was your life and you could do whatever you wanted.
"I don't care if Percy's watching, I love you Leo"

You both stood up and Leo pulled you close and closed the space by giving you a passionate kiss, him holding your waist and cupping one cheek. You had your arms around Leo's neck, this was your favourite kiss by far. You two pulled apart, the whole arena was silent. Percy had a face which was angry and confused, Annabeth looked like she was given so much sugar and Piper looked like Jason gave her an electric pulse through her body. You and Leo left the arena and went to the lake. Once you were there you sat on the sand and was lying in Leo's embrace. You then broke the silence,
"I think Percy took that pretty well"
Leo let out a chuckle and kissed your cheek.

After half and hour you went to the Poseidon cabin to talk to Percy, as predicted he was in the cabin sitting on his bed with his head in his hand. You leant against the door frame and coughed to get his attention, he snapped his head at you.
"Why didn't  you tell me y/n, didn't you trust me?"
You sighed, looking at your oblivious older sibling.
"Because I knew how you would react Perce. Besides you don't own me so I can date whoever I want."

Percy sighed and walked up to you, he put out his arms and you went into them.
"So you don't mind that I'm dating Leo?"
You looked at Percy and he gave you a smile.
"As long as your happy I'm happy"

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