Abandoned and Lost

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Child Abandonment

You all got to the Pizza-Plex, and once you did you ran towards the door. You turned around and impatiently waited for your parents to get there. When they got there, they took you inside and did what was needed to allow you to enter. 

"Y/N, where do you want to go first?" Your mother asked. 

You thought for a little moment. You then answered, "Race!"

Your father looked at the map he was holding. "Ah, Roxy's Raceway. That's were you want to go?" He said with a question at the end.

You nodded. They agreed and then took you over to Roxy's Raceway. Once you got in, you went over to a go-cart and you immediately got inside it. You had guessed that, because you were only 10, you had to ride with a bot. You didn't really mind.

Right before the race began, you saw your parents leave the Raceway. You didn't think much of it, all you thought about was the race. 

The race began and you, along with the other racers, were off. 

At the end of the race you came in 2nd. Not too bad for a 10 year-old. You wished you had gotten first, but what could you do against a 17 year-old. 

You then began to look around for your parents. You couldn't find them near the Raceway. You then went to El Chip's. Still aren't there. You looked and looked, but you couldn't find them. After a while of looking, you saw that you had no idea where you were. You were lost.

Soon, you heard the speakers go off. It said, "Attention everyone! Attention Everyone!" It paused, then continued with, "The Mega Pizza-Plex is now closed. Please leave now. If anything is left behind, you have to get it tomorrow in Lost n' Found." It paused again. Then it began again, "Please come again soon. We do look forward to your next visit." It went quiet. 

Suddenly, some of the lights started to go off. You didn't know where you were, so you couldn't find your way out. So, like every story says, you go wondering off, in hopes of finding the exit.

You soon saw bright neon lights coming from one direction. You went closer and saw brightly lit rooms. You had a map on you, so you pulled it out. 

'Rockstar Row' is where you were at. You looked around and one thing, one thing only caught your attention.

And that was

Roxanne Wolf's room....and she was inside...

Heya! Another chapter done. Hope you enjoyed it!

420 Words

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