Friend worthy..?

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"What was that?" Gregory asked.

You were confused. There was nothing there. And Freddy, being the obvious smart-ass he is said, "That is a fountain. A fountain is a decorative reservoir used for discharging water."

You were sure Gregory had the look of, 'Seriously. I KNOW that!' just written on his face.

He mentioned a dancing Rabbit lady. You thought he's delusional. As you definitely would have definitely seen  human in a rabbit costume dancing in front of the water fountain. 

Freddy followed up with the fact that there wasn't a rabbit in the Pizza-Plex, not anymore anyways. Was that Bonnie that you had heard Roxy mention a few times. It must be, because he had an accident was had to be scrapped. Making him not around anymore. YEP! That makes so much sense. 

The hour was soon over and Freddy gave us a time check. 1:00 AM, five hours until opening time. Gregory was sure that he'd die within that time, but you and Freddy reassured him that he wasn't going to. 

Just then, he realized he didn't have a map. He asked Freddy were to get one, and well, he had to go to the greeter at the center balcony. Very specific. And for what reason? So, you all hopped into the elevator and went down to that level. 

When the doors opened, you all left and HOLY MOTHER OF SHIT! That....stupid....robot... You had gotten scared of the stupid map-bot. Like you knew he was just doing his job, but did he really have to stand behind a corner and jumpscare you and Gregory...?

Gregory got his map and you all continued onwards. Gregory went to find a vent so he could update his map or something (you weren't paying attention). You went with him, as you didn't want to be left alone. He crawled through the vent and just as he turned a certain corner a tiny Music Man jumped from the top. You sat there and looked at him. He was dirty and kinda broken, but still cute. 

Gregory would admire it, but he needed to run. You and him quickly left the music man. You had gotten out of the vents and landed somewhere. You looked around, saw a bathroom, a vending machine, and around the corner was an office of sorts. 

You followed Gregory as he left the area, and made your way to a room. Chica followed, wich scared Gregory a tiny little bit, but not at all for you. 

Long Story Short. You and Gregory lured Chica away with a pizza. 

You heard Freddy tells Gregory to get back to him, as the main reason you two were there wasn't going as planned. 

Ugh. I want to go back to Roxanne.... You groaned in your own head. You would've said it out loud but Gregory would probably make you go. And you didn't want to leave your friend. Wait...Friend..? Did you just consider him a friend? Was this the first time you did that? Is he even considered friend worthy to you and/or Roxy?

Heya! Again, I know, not much of a cliffhanger. But I didn't want this to get too long, as I want to get straight to the point. Which you can either guess or figure out later.

Well anyways, Have a Great Day/Night/Evening!

548 Words

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