First Show

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You wake up to see that you are inside of Roxanne's room again. You sit up and then you see Chica sitting near you. She soon, looked towards you.

"Oh, You're awake!" Chica said happily.

"Mhm. Where's Roxy?" You ask.

"She's at the raceway."

"Really? Why?" 

"She LOVES to go there when she has time."

"Hey, Chica?"

"Yes little Y/N?"

"What time is it?"

"Almost opening time. Well, more like in an hour, but still."

"Ah. Ok."

"Hey! You might find your parents!" 

"I better."

You and Chica talked some more. About what? Chica mainly talked about food and trash. You mainly talked about how awesome you and Roxanne are.

Soon, Roxanne enters her room. She sat down on her couch. She seemed tired, but you where unsure. 

Chica continued to talk to both of you. Roxy talked about the raceway. She also agreed with how you and her were quite awesome, the best even. 

"If your parents don't come get you, I'll take you to the raceway after hours." Roxanne suddenly said.

You gasped in surprise and happiness. "Really!?" 

"Of course."


You stood up and walked over to Roxanne. You then hugged her, she slightly hugged you back. 

The Pizza-Plex is now open.

The animatronics stood up. They then began to leave the room. Where are they going?  You wonder. Right before Roxanne left you asked her, "Where are you going?"

"The main stage. We have a show to preform."

"Oh. So, where do I go?"

"Either the Daycare or I guess you could come with us."

"I'll go with you. I don't need a stupid daycare."

"Alright. Come on."

You follow after Roxanne. When she got to the main stage, she had you stay somewhere close to the curtains. 

Soon, the show has began. During the entire show, you watched in pure awe. You didn't really watch the show when you arrived because you were too excited to race in the raceway. So this being the first show you watched, made you so damn happy. 

When the show ended, there was a break so people could get some food or go walking around. The animatronics couldn't stay and wonder as that could scare many people, so they had went back to their rooms to practice for their next show after the break. 

Soon enough, the day was closer to ending. You looked at every adult, trying to find your parents. Sadly, you couldn't see anyone who even looked similar to them. You were very upset that your parents really didn't care and had left you on purpose. But, you then remembered that Roxanne promised to take you to the raceway. 

Once everyone left, you went over to Roxy. She looked at you and knew what you wanted. She laughed a little bit and then picked you up afterwards. 

She brought you to the raceway and placed you into a car. She wanted you to have some sort of competition, so she set up some bots to race you. Once it was set up, the race began. 

At the end of the race you came 1st. You were so damn happy that you beat some stupid bots who knew how to drive the raceway even without their heads. 

The next race, Roxy joined in. You did come in 2nd, but it was to Roxanne, so it didn't bother you. After that, you had a few more races. 

A few weeks went by. Your parents haven't showed up. But you were never upset. Why? Because Roxanne and Chica were there to keep you company. Chica wasn't as great as you or Roxy, but she was still pretty great. You were also sure that, if the animatronics were human, Chica and Roxy would be dating. Like, they are so cute together.

Heya! Hope you enjoyed this. I have a great idea for the next chapter, so yeah.

Anyways, Have a great day/night/evening.

628 Words

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