Roxanne Wolf

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'Rockstar Row' is where you were at. You looked around and one thing, one thing only caught your attention.

And that was

Roxanne Wolf's room....and she was inside...


You walked towards the wide window that showed the inside of the room. You stared in complete aww. Roxanne was praising herself, a similar way that you would praise yourself. 

Soon, she looked past her reflection and saw you standing by the window. She stood up and walked out of the room. You were confused when she left from her mirror. But your confusion didn't last long.

Why? Because you heard someone from behind you say, "What are you doing here, kid?"

You turn around and saw that Roxy was behind you. You smiled widely then answered with, "I got lost."

"Hmm? Where are your parents?" Roxanne asked.

"That's a great question....I don't really know.." You answered her.

Since she was kneeling down to your height, she stood up placing her hand on her hip. "Well, I guess you staying somewhere would be ok. But where?" 

"Can I stay with you!? Your sooooo COOL!" You exclaimed while jumping up in anticipation.

"Heh, I don't see why not," she said while picking you up. 

She brought you into her room. You were placed down on the ground and then you began to talk on and on about how amazing she was. 

Roxanne liked you. She never thought that she would ever enjoy a child. Occasionally, Roxy would drop in a compliment to you, which made you 'praise' her more.

Soon, your stomach growled indicating that you were hungry. You stopped talking and looked at your stomach. You didn't even eat before you left. How did you just realize that you hadn't eaten.

"Seems like your hungry huh?" Roxy said, while standing up. She picked you up and walked out of her room. She walked towards where the food was. (Just think of someplace with food in the Pizza-Plex, because I don't know.)

When she got there, she placed you down and went to get some food. Soon, you saw a large, mainly white animatronic. It walked towards you. 

"Hi there!" It said.

"Hi." You responded.

"What's your name, little one? Mine's Chica," Chica said. 

You smiled before saying, "Y/N."

"Oooo~ That's so nice!" She paused before continuing, "Wait. Why are here after hours?"

"I got lost, and I don't know where my parents are," You answered her question.

"You poor thing!" She said.

Chica sat down next to you. She proceeded to talk to you, but you didn't talk to her much. She wasn't as cool as Roxanne in your eyes. 

Soon, you both heard Roxanne walk back while saying, "I got the best pizza for the best child."

"Roxy! I didn't know you liked a child!" Chica said while she abruptly stood up.

"Well, they think like me and they are the best," Roxy said while placing the food in front of you.

You then begin to eat the pizza. It was an entire pizza, Chica took a slice or two, but whatever. When you finished eating, you got up and went over to Roxy. You got into her lap and slowly began to nod off to sleep. 

Heya! Another chapter has been completed! Hopefully you enjoyed it.

I hope you have a great Day/Night/Evening! 

531 Words

"I Am The Best" Roxy + Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now