Late night walk

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Felix put on his sneakers sighing, grabbed the leash and opened the front door. Actually, he had already been lying in bed, but Haneul had constantly muzzled him with her wet snout until Felix finally gave up and got up.
He had spent a lot of time helping his boss set up the new Taekwondo studio today and thus spent very little time with his dog.

It was not far to the forest. Before Felix brought Haneul to himself, he had lived in a small apartment in the middle of Seoul.
But after his grandfather had inherited his house on the edge of Seoul, Felix had moved there and adopted the neglected dog.

It had been love at first sight. Back then, her black fur was still dull and short. But with lots of love and proper care, she had recovered well.

Arriving in the forest, Felix let the dog off the leash. He knew that Haneul would not move far from him, especially at night.

Although they had been able to defeat most of her fears with a lot of training, the darkness was still scary for the dog.

Felix didn't mind the darkness. On the contrary - he likes to sink into it.

Smiling, he watched his dog disappear in the undergrowth and put on his headphones.

His best friend had sent him new music and he hadn't been able to listen to it yet.

In the meantime, they were in the middle of the forest and the only light source was his dog's luminous collar.

But that didn't bother him. He saw enough not to bump into unexpected things.

He watched his dog attentively and had to smile.

Although he was really tired, he was happy about the night walk.

Suddenly Haneul stopped and put her ears on - only to disappear into the undergrowth with large jumps.

Surprised, Felix took off his headphones and called for the dog.
But instead of coming back to him, she stayed where she was and barked excitedly.

Felix hung the headphones around his neck and followed the dog.

Slowly he fought his way through the forest, to where he heard Haneul barking.

The flashlight from his smartphone helped little, but at least he didn't run into the trees.

And suddenly he saw his dog. She stood in front of a shapeless black pile and barked.

"Haneul here, out!" He ordered the dog who obeyed and sat down next to him. "Good girl, stay!" He stroked her briefly and then slowly moved towards the black pile.

He wasn't afraid - he had the black belt - but he was a little uncomfortable.

"Hello?" he asked carefully as he knelt down and stretched out his hand to pull away the dark blanket.

A clear sobbing was heard and a frightened: "Please just leave me alone."

Confused, Felix pushed himself and slowly pulled the blanket away. Underneath, a young man sat crouched together.
Felix put his smartphone on the floor so that it provided light without dazzling.

With his hands raised, he slowly moved towards the other.

"May I help you?" he asked gently.

Big eyes looked at him in disbelief.

"You want to help me?"

Felix nodded and knelt next to the others. He shrugged, but at least he did not retreat from Felix.

"My name is Felix. And who are you?" the blonde finally asked.

"Han Jisung," it came back quietly.

Felix saw from the corner of his eye that his dog slowly sneaked in.
Once at his place, she first sniffed Felix and then Jisung carefully.

Felix had to laugh because he understood his dog's silent request too well. She wanted to go home. Felix picked up his phone and pointed the light at the floor.

"So Jisung, would you like to come home with me and Haneul? You can take a shower if you want and my sofa is way more comfortable than the forest floor."

With a smile he went closer to Jisung reaching him out to pull him up.

Jisung looked at Felix insecure. He was tempted to accept the help of the other, but he was afraid. Afraid of deviced to a evil person again. But then he saw the dog pressing herself against Felix's legs and the blonde buried his hands in her fur with a smile. Anyone who dealt with their dog in this way could not really be a bad person.

Finally, he reached out his hand and let himself be pulled up.

"But I can only walk slowly... - I think I sprained my foot," he looked at his feet embarrassed. He was used to always being the problem.

Felix hung the leash around his neck and put Jisung's arm in his shoulder.

"We can make it out of the forest together. Just let me know if you need a break!"

Jisung swallowed in disbelief and couldn't answer at all. He wasn't used to someone being nice to him. Or even helped him.

Felix slowly led the small group back on the way. It took them a long time until they reached the edge of the forest and could finally walk in the light of the street lamps.

Fortunately, it was not far to Felix house. Jisung didn't say anything, but his foot seemed to hurt him a lot. Felix noticed how the other shrugged when he put his foot down.


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