000. prologue

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"Reading The Witches again, are we?" Mary asked with a knowing grin as she stood in the doorway of her daughter's room.

Mallory looked up at her mother's soft voice, grinning with a nod. "It's my favorite."

"You don't think it's scary?" Mary asked as she made her way into the room and took a seat next to her daughter on the bed.

"Nope," The eight year old answered with a bright grin. "I'm not afraid of anything."

"Oh, of course not. You're my big, strong girl, right?" Mary grinned, lightly tickling her daughter's tummy and causing her to giggle wildly and curl into herself.

"Right." If you didn't know the Winchester family, no one would guess that Mallory and Mary were related. Mary's hair was long, curly and blonde and paired with her bright blue eyes. Then there was Mallory who's hair was short and deep brown like her father's. Her eyes were so blue that they were almost green, which automatically made them look more like her father's hazel ones. Mary always joked that she was the one who spent all that time giving birth to her and yet she came out looking like the spitting image of her father. Luckily, her little brothers looked enough like her to make up for it. At least Dean did. Mallory always personally thought that Sam looked more like her and their Dad.

"Are you ready for bed, honey bee?" Mary murmured, gently pushing her daughter's dark hair out of her eyes and behind her ear.

"Can I wait for Daddy to get home?" Mallory asked hopefully as she looked up at her mother. Mary glanced at the clock on her daughter's nightstand. She supposed it wasn't that late. Another hour or less couldn't hurt.

"Okay. But let's go say goodnight to your brothers, yeah?" she lifted her eyebrows.

Mallory nodded happily and tucked her bookmark into her book before setting it gently on her nightstand. She let her mother help her off the bed before following her out of her room and down the hall to Dean's room. There on the floor sat the four year old, happily building with his legos. He looked up when he heard his mother and sister enter the room, smiling happily.

"Look, Mama! I'm buildin' our house!"

Mary smiled, moving to sit on the floor next to her son before pulling him into her lap. "It looks great, love bug!"

Mallory joined them on the floor, peering inside the tiny house. "Are we in there?" she asked curiously, cocking her head.

Dean giggled. "No, sissy, we're out here."

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