002. be careful, doc.

176 11 1

"So, I gotta take a couple of days off," Mallory told Sandy when she rounded the corner

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"So, I gotta take a couple of days off," Mallory told Sandy when she rounded the corner. "Something's come up with my Dad and I gotta go with my brother to see if we can sort it out."

"Is he okay?" Sandy asked, looking uncharacteristically concerned. Empathy was not her forte.

"Yeah, yeah, he's alright. He went deer hunting up at the cabin and apparently, he had Jim, Jack, and Jose along with him." Mallory cocked her head. "We gotta go lug his ass back."

Sandy tipped her head sympathetically. "Family drama is always a good time." she joked. "Sorry about that."

"Don't be, it's no big deal. It'll only be a couple of days." The brunette shrugged.

"If you say so," Sandy murmured. She paused. "It's just...you don't talk about them. Like, ever. Your family, I mean." she pointed out, lifting her eyebrows. "And now you're going to spend the weekend with them...you sure you're okay?"

Mallory hesitated for a minute before answering. "I don't think I've ever seen you this concerned about anyone. I'm touched." she teased, placing a hand over her heart and grinning when the blonde rolled her eyes so hard her soul might as well have left her body. "Don't worry about me. I'm okay, honest."

Sandy looked her over for another moment before nodding. "Okay. If you say so, doc. Just...be careful, yeah?"

"Always," Mallory promised before turning on her heel to walk back into her office.


"Please tell me we're heading to the airport from here," Mallory begged her little brother as she tossed her duffel bag into the back seat of the black, '67 impala that they grew up in which now belonged to Dean.

"Ha! Good one."

"Dean," Mallory groaned, tipping her head back. "You're my brother and I'd do anything for you but the last thing I want to do is spend the next two days in a car with you."

"Oh, come on, it won't be so bad. It'll give us some time to catch up." Dean shrugged as he opened the passenger-side door for his sister.

"Or kill each other," Mallory muttered as she slid into the car. "We should call Sam and let him know we're coming," she told her brother when he got settled into the driver's seat.

"You think he'll answer?"

"Well, he will if I call." she deadpanned, lifting her eyebrows when Dean rolled his eyes.



Dean couldn't help but grin at the familiar exchange as he pulled onto the street, turning the radio on low. "I'm surprised your boss or manager or whoever let you go so easily. You did tell them, didn't you?"

"I don't have a boss. I have my own practice." Mallory reminded him as she propped her head in her hand.

"Wow. Not bad for a quack."

"Fuck you."

Dean chuckled and shook his head. "I'm just kiddin'. You're the only quack shrink I'd trust."

"Gee, thanks." Mallory snorted.

"How's the income from being self-employed?"

"Better than hustling pool at bars."

"Hey, that's a lucrative business if you ask me." Dean lifted his eyebrows.

"Mhm, okay," Mallory muttered as she pulled her notebook out of her backpack and slid on her glasses.

Dean glanced over at it. "What's that?"


"What kinda work?"

"The classified kind."

"Geez. What are you, shrink by day, superhero by night?"

"Yes, exactly," Mallory murmured, chewing her lip as she jotted down some notes. "I'm not allowed to talk about cases. Doctor-patient confidentiality and all that."

"Come on. Who am I gonna tell?" Dean lifted his eyebrows.

"That's not the point. It's the principal." Mallory murmured as she read over her notes. "Now shut up, I'm trying to concentrate."

"Alright, grump." Dean frowned, turning the radio up a little louder.

Mallory glanced over at him. "Hey," she murmured, nudging his elbow with her own when he turned to look at her. "Good to see you."

Dean couldn't help but grin. "You too."



this was kind of a filler but it's been sitting in my drafts for two months now so here we are :D love you, hope you enjoyed! <3

Much love,
Hayden ☕️

Much love,Hayden ☕️

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