005. the culprit

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The siblings' next stop was downtown Jericho where they heard the Sheriff mention his daughter hanging up posters for her missing boyfriend

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The siblings' next stop was downtown Jericho where they heard the Sheriff mention his daughter hanging up posters for her missing boyfriend. Sure enough, when they arrived a young woman was tacking posters up outside the Highland Movie Theater with Troy's face on them. "MISSING: TROY SQUIRE" the posters read.

Mallory glanced up at the marquee outside the theater. The black, block letters read, EMERGENCY TOWN HALL MEETING. SUNDAY 8 PM. BE SAFE OUT THERE. She sighed. A missing person and a potential death were bad enough, but in a town like this, it may as well have been a sign of the apocalypse.

"I'll bet you that's her," Dean said as he approached the young woman with his siblings.

"Gee," Mallory cocked her head, her gaze steady on the posters now hung on the brick wall of the theater. "Astute observation, Sherlock."

Sam snickered and Dean shoved his older sister's shoulder before they came upon the younger girl.

"You must be Amy," Dean greeted with a smile.

The brunette turned to face the three siblings, her brow furrowing. "...yeah."

"Yeah, Troy told us about you," Dean nodded. "We're his uncles and his aunt. I'm Dean, this is Sammy and Mallory."

Amy frowned, folding her arms over her chest. "Troy never mentioned you to me," she replied simply before walking to the other side of the wall with her stapler in hand.

Dean shrugged as he followed close behind her. "Well, that's Troy, I guess. We're not around much. We're up in Modesto."

"We're looking for him too," Sam explained gently. "And we're kinda asking around."

Mallory glanced up when another young woman about Amy's age approached and squeezed the girl's arm. "Hey," she greeted, her eyes flickering to the three of them and then back to Amy. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Amy said, her eyes flitting back to the three siblings.

"We don't want to take up too much of your time," Mallory said gently, dark eyebrows lifting. "We just wanted to talk to you and ask a few questions. If that's okay with you," she reiterated as she pushed her hands into the pockets of her black jeans.

Amy's eyes seemed to soften now that Mallory was the one speaking and she found herself nodding. "Okay, sure."

Mallory smiled. "I saw a diner around the corner. Have you guys eaten? Lunch is on me."

"I could eat," Amy admitted, a somewhat sheepish smile now coming onto her face.

"Perfect," Mallory nodded, gesturing down the sidewalk. "Lead the way."


The five made their way into the diner and were seated fairly quickly. Mallory, Amy, and her friend, Rachel, sat opposite Sam and Dean in a booth near the window.

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