14.14 fourteen

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Zaramiy 2010
Chicago Il📍

"Dayvon, late again" The teacher Turns from the chalk board looking at 16 year old Dayvon.

"My bad ma'am" He says walking to the back where his best friend James sits.

"You know this means another detention after school" Mrs. Adams tells him and he looks up from his seat

"And I won't be attending this time either ma'am" He responds making a few people laugh.

The class soon gets loud people not paying attention to the lesson.

15 year old Zaramiy feels a tap on her shoulder making her turn around.

"Aye you got a pencil, ma?" He asks her and shakes her head no "well I got a pen I anit got no pencil" she says holding out a pen.

"Good looks" He tells her taking the pencil out of her hand, pulling out a piece of paper and begin to write the problem down.

Zaramiy smiles a little bit biting the inside of lip. She turn back to look at them as Von is taking a picture with his best friend

After class ends Zara is gathering up all of her stuff "aye ma hea" Dayvon catches her about to walk out

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After class ends Zara is gathering up all of her stuff "aye ma hea" Dayvon catches her about to walk out

"I don't want that pen back, keep I got way more" She tells him he nods going the other way to his other friends.

Zaramiy is on her way to lunch when somebody jumps on his back.

"Keep running" She hear her best friend India tell her.

" I wasn't running in the first place" Zaramiy laughs and India jumps down pushing her shoulder.

"You is so...uh" India laughs making Zara laugh "aye Zara, India" they look over to see Carlton and his crew waving them over leaning on the lockers.

"Why y'all act like y'all can't speak" He puts his arms on India and Zara's shoulder breaking them apart.

"Cause we got places to be and people to see" India says walking ahead pulling her best friend along "he so weird" Zara laughs speeding up the pace.

Zara and India open the school doors. The summer sun shining down on them.

"Aye come here" Zara hears making her turn her head to Dayvon and his friend group.

"Might as well go you know you want that boy" India tells Zara.

" this is T.Roy, Sosa, Durk,Jmoney, Resse, and Odee" Dayvon introduces his friends to Them.

"Well y'all I'm Zara this India" She introduces and they nod passing the weed they smoking in a rotation.

Von offers the blunt to Zara and she shakes her head no "what you scared or sum ma" He asks her "you anit gotta worry about the security guards they know better" Resse tells Her and she nods taking the blunt out of Dayvon's hand.

Inhaling it and she coughs blowing it out and Dayvon chuckles "Lemme see before you kill yo self man" He takes it out of her hand

"What y'all finna do after y'all get out of this hell hole" Durk asks mainly India

"Ion know maybe hit up layfette park" She tells him and he nods.

"Well we finna get some food for lunch then come back" Zara says and she grabs India hand turning to walk to the car.

"Bye Zaraaa" James drags making everybody laugh except for Von, who was intensely staring at her.

Zara and India come back into school grounds seeing a big group of people in a circle loudly talking and yelling.

"The fuck" Zara says pushing her way to the front, the Scene she see's is Dayvon on top of Carlton punching him.

Soon a punch lands on Dayvon's face knocking him off of Carlton and James Junps into the fight.

Soon both crews fighting.

The security guards come and break it up carrying them all to the office.

"Scram you little delinquent's" one of the security guards yell.

Dayvon and Zaramiy spent a lot of time talking over the phone and over messages,Facebook,imo, Kik.

They have finally made plans to meet up, school ended a month ago.

Zara parents are away at the hospital with her aunt that just gave birth.

So Zara took this opportunity to meet up with Dayvon.

They both live in parkway so the walk isn't that far.

They have been chilling in Dayvon room for a little bit watching movies And stuff.

"Come here ma" Von tells Zara and she scoots over to him.

Dayvon grabs her face interlocking they're lips. Von slowly take off her shirt.

Her pants next.

Von lays her down getting on top of her kissing her lips.

Zara takes his shirt off then his pants.

Dayvon pushes his self into Zara.

Zara let's out a pound moan.

Dayvon gives her deep strokes in and out. Dayvon locks her eyes with her slowing down.

Anyways ROBBED I got y'all next episode though😩🫶🏽

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Anyways ROBBED I got y'all next episode though😩🫶🏽

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