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A/N this is a work of fiction if you don't like get you Dave off Alvin and the chipmunks ass on.

A/N this is a work of fiction if you don't like get you Dave off Alvin and the chipmunks ass on

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2011, August 11th

"Push me now" I tell India standing on the lil twirling thing.

We at the park I'm the middle of our apartment complex.

Parkway gardens, but the boys or Bd's refer to it as the WIIIC.

I'm not from here I moved her shortly after my dad died when I was 12. He used to travel back in forth from Mexico even though he was all black.

He taught me a little of it before he passed.

After he passed my mom started struggling to take care of me and my younger and older brother.

Darion and Omarion but I call him Marion.

She had to move us out of our Home on west side Chicago to a cheaper apartment in Wiiic city.

Back in the park me and India are sitting on the step to the slides.

It's dark out.

"So what's going on with you and Von" She asks me twirling her hair.

I sigh putting my hands on my knees " we haven't really been talking since he dropped out of school" I tell her staring off into the distance as a hooded figure walks into the area.

It's normal over here someone always got on all black and a hood and don't be on shit.

"What's going on with you and sadez" I ask her about her boyfriend.

Durk has been focusing on his music and has dropped out too.

Keef music has completely sky rocketed with his track I Don't Like, with Reese.

It's only odee, James  That really show up.

"We've been alright" She tells me looking down.

"What's wron-" I get cut off by gunshots from behind the complex.

Me and India duck down covering ourselves staying quiet.

A few minutes after they stop the same black figure runs to the main gate out of breath looking at me and India.

The figure continues running leaving Parkway.

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