26:26 twenty-six

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"You gotta act like you reaching when you get up" Dayvon demonstrates.

He using Mari in his music video 'Wayne's story'

"So like this?" Kamari copy's Von and Von nod's.

We been doing this for hourss, it's finna start getting dark in a minute.

I look over at true who is on her iPad. "What you doing baby true" I ask her and she looks up at me.

"Watching the TikTok" she shows me the iPad. "You so smart" I laugh.

"Me and true finna go we go back" I tell Von and he looks at me and nods.

"We go yo house" True asks from the backseat. "Yea but we gotta pick yo siblings up first" I tell true and she starts smiling.

"We pick up bubu" She asks excitedly "yep"

"Yayyy, me and bubu play" She tells me going back on her iPad.

"Who yo favorite, London or dayvon" I ask and she makes a thinking face.

"I thinkkkk, BUBU" She calls London Bubu.

"Wowww wait until Yo brother hear this news" I shake my head. "My mama teach me call look baebae" True calls me baebae and it's so cute.

"I stop at the red light turning around to see true FaceTiming her father.

He answer looking confused "yeah" he ask her.

"Hey dada" she waves at him, "wassup lil girl" I laugh.

They talking like they wasn't just together. "Whea y'all finna go lil folks" Von asks her.

"Baebae said we get bubu then go house" She explains and he chuckles "who is baebae" He asks her.

She doesn't know how to flip the camera so she turn her whole iPad towards me.

"That's not yo baebae that's my baebae" Von tells true and true scrunch her face up.

"No mine" True yells. 'Shhhh' I tell her and she looks at me.

"How you go steal my girl"Dayvon asks true.

"Cause, girl is girl, girl" She explains "awe for real"

"What you listening to lil folks"He asks her and she sighs "nothing"

"Tell yo baebae to turn some music on" He tells true "baebae dada said turn music on" She says and Von starts laughing.

"You won't supposed to say 'dada said', imma call you back lil folks I love you" He says "love you too dada"

"That's nice imma have to teach yo siblings how to do that" I tell her looking at her through the review mirror.

"What favorite by dada" She asks me "that's hard, It's so many I don't know....maybe Crazy story, gleesh place, evil twin and On yo ass" I tell her.

Hard to trust is up there but it's not released yet so I can't say.

"We play gleesh place" She asks me "yeah Hol on" I tell her pulling over to stop the car.

I turn the song on and begin to drive again.

"Okay guys y'all wanna watch this movie" I ask as me, true, London and dayvon lay in Vons bed. Going through movies on Disney plus.

"Let's watch superheroo" Dayvon yells standing up.

"Dayvon sit down and okay" I tell him and he sits down crossing his legs

I go to black panther and, we all get quite as the movie starts.

Like 30 minutes into the movie I hear footsteps around the house.

"I think y'all dad home" I tell them. I peak out the room, seeing a figure walk into a guest bedroom down the hallway.

'What the fuck' I mouth to myself.

I grab my phone FaceTiming Von.

"Yooo" He answers the phone but I can't see nun "Whea you at" I ask him.

"On my way tah the house, wit gang nem" He answers "stop playing y'all already here" I tell him and he picks up the phone.

"Like I thought" He tells me as he's in the car driving, and I can hear Booka and nem talking in the background.

Y'all know how In horror movies when the main character realize something, the camera like zoom in over fast, that's what it felt like.

I rush to the the nightstand on the side of the bed.

I grab the gun out of it. "Come on y'all, let's play a game" I whisper to the kids, "okayy" London whispers back.

I lead them to the bathroom, I help them get in the tub. I get in after them.

"Now don't make a single sound" I tell them, Dayvon try's to stand up and slips make a lot of noise.

I hear loud footsteps then the bathroom door bust open and I don't know why but, I pull the trigger on the gun.

The kids start screaming.

Instead of one bullet going out, multiple bullets fly out the gun, making me drop the gun.

"Oh shit" I hear a male voice say before I hear receding footsteps.

I pull the kids into my chest and close my eyes tight.

"Aye" I hear Von voice from a distance before I hear some more gunfire, back and forth.

'Shhhh' I tell true as screams. "Mama I'm scared" London tells me

After a lil while the gunshots stop "get his ass" I hear a voice then a lot of footsteps.

"Shit" I hear Von and I open my eyes, it's blood everywhere. I look at the body.

And my stomach tightens up, next thing you know I'm throwing up.

"The fuck" Von says looking at the throw up.

I get out the tub walking over to the toilet throwing up again.

I look In the toilet and the water is clear.

I turn to Von and he's holding true, looking down at me.

"Aye ma we gotta gooo" Von tells

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