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" y'all how he go be mad cause, I'm Nice" I ask the live sitting in vons bed.

I have my Mac book sitting on my lap as I watch YouTube video of Vons interview.

My phone is sitting on the screen.

"Y'all so before Von left he got mad Because a male supporter called me pretty" I laugh pausing the video " and I responded back 'thank you', this Nigga got mad cause I started having a conversation with him" I laugh as my comments start filling up with laughing emoji's

"And then He got mad cause I was mocking him and choked me" I put my hand on my neck. "Matter a fact I got the video" I say starting to share my Live screen.

I open Snapchat clicking on memories and clicking on the video I was talking about.

Von was going off on me and I started recording myself Mocking his words with my mouth and he looked over and saw and he grabbed my neck getting closer to my face 'Stop playing with me Zara' is what he says before letting me go.

"Y'all see that domestic abuse, this don't usually happen baby Von usually here to help. But he was in his room playing cars, so I guess Von took this opportunity to beat on me" I say sarcastically laughing.

"But if Dayvon was here he wouldn't have allowed that" I say putting the camera on Dayvon who was sitting next to me, watching Tv. "Anit that right bubu" I ask him And he looks over looking at the phone then turning back to the Tv.

"Y'all London be allowing it, she be looking like she be ready to jump me" I tell the live showing London who was laying across me asleep.

"Anyways guys lets finish this Interview" I say unpausing the interview.

I look over to the phone to see a live request from @kingvonfromdaO.

"Y'all here he come with his verbal abuse which nobody is scared of" I say pausing the interview.

I say clicking the accept button.

"Why you on here lying to these people" Von asks popping up on my screen.

"I'm not lying I got P R O O F" I tell him spelling out proof.

"Yea ite, you trynna make me go back to jail ma?" Von asks me and I start laughing and Dayvon Crawls over to me covering my mouth.

"Shh mama, Bubu sleep" He tells me with his finger to his mouth.

"Ok Baby" I whisper.

"Hell Nawl you anit never just let him tell you to shut the fuck up" Von laughs and I mug him.

"First of all he anit say all that, he said shh" I tell him rolling my eyes.

"What you doing Von" I ask him and he walks out of a room.

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