30:30 thirty

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Zaramiy London Jones•23Las Angeles, CL- May 12, 2022

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Zaramiy London Jones•23
Las Angeles, CL- May 12, 2022

"Come on guys" I tell the twins holding their hands as they walk into the school building , it's kind of cold.

"Bye bye babies" I say as they run to they teachers. This school is so organized for it to be public.

All grades have a painted area where they line up outside. And the uniform is khaki or navy blue, skirts Shorts, pants. And navy blue, blue, red, white and burgundy Collard shirts.

"Can we get a picture" A group of girls walk up to me "yeah sure" I tell them as they hand the phone to somebody.

They pose around me. A few seconds later they stand up.

"What grade yall in" I ask them as they start talking to each other.

"We in 8th" One of the girls say before the bell rings and they wave and run off.

I walk back to the car rubbing my baby bump

I walk back to the car rubbing my baby bump

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My Son getting big in there.

I pull up to me and Dayvon's House unLocking the doors getting out the car, hitting the lock button all the way till I get in the house.

The Dog Von bought the twins and our soon to be newborn runs up to my legs.

He got them a mini poodle, she's so cute.

Her hair has grown so much it's out of Control I have to drop her off at the vet, right now. But I want a snack first.

"VON" I yell out and get no answer walking into the kitchen.

"BAE YOU HERE" I yell out and still get no answer.

I FaceTime him and he answers. "Wassup ma" Von says and my eyes start watering it's completely uncontrollable.

I start sniffing, Von shoots his head towards the phone. "You cryin, what's wrong" He asks sitting up.

"Yes I'm crying, because why would you leave me at 8:30 in the morning like where is you at now. Your never here" I say bussing out crying putting my phone on the island wiping my eyes.

Von sucks his teeth "I'm at Durk house, finna go in the Stu ma stop that crying shit" He says in a soft voice looking at the camera.

"Can you Come home and go to the studio later" I ask him.

"Yeah I'm on my way" He says standing up "Thank you, I Love you" I say wiping my eyes.

"I love you to ma" He says before hanging up.

I grab A lunchable out of the half empty fridge I have to go grocery shopping today.

I go into me and Vons room kicking my shoes off I lay on the bed not even opening the lunchable getting in the bed and closing my eyes.

"Zara" I hear my name being called, I open my eyes seeing Von taking his shoes off with food in his hand.

But I really don't got no appetite.

"Hey ma, I got you some food" He says walking up to me kissing my forehead.

"Thank you" I mumbled checking my phone. It's 9:10.

"You want it" he says standing in front of me playing with his dreads still holding the food.

"Mm mm" I shake my head and he puts the food on nightstand.

"Imma leave it here just in case, cause you know how you is" He says walking into his closet then the bathroom.

I hear the shower running.

Like 20 minutes later

I sit up stretching. I walk into my closet going through my clothes looking for something comfortable to put on.

I grab some grey joggers and a black tank top. I look down at my white painted acrylic toes.

I rub my belly, I can't wait till I get to kiss my son.

I change my clothes, Going back to sit on the bed turning Harry Potter on skipping to the part I was at.

I grab the chic-fil-A, nuggets and barbecue sauce.

I open the sauce eating while watching Harry Potter.

A few minutes later Von comes out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He stops and looks at me.

"I though you said you wasn't hungry" he says smiling.

"Leave me alone, I am now" I tell him rolling my eyes looking back at the Tv.

He walks into his closet coming back out with jogging pants on and white socks.

He don't got nun of his jewelry on.

He gets on the other side of me laying down i lay down and he pulls me closer to him.

"Why you wanted me to come home so bad" He asks with his eyes closed.

"Because I wanted you to come home with me" I say laying on his bare chest.

"Mhm" he says rubbing my ass as I lay in him.

I'm backkkkk😘

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