chapter 10

87 6 17

July 27th, 3586

Aboard the Imperial Space Ship (ISS) Acheron

It is the middle of their fifth year when they reach the edge of the galaxy. It is the most beautiful thing Robin has ever seen in their entire life, and that’s really saying something. A huge wall of light and color seems to block them from the rest of the universe, and as they fly through the phenomenon, Robin marvels to see what looks like a floating yellow planet in the middle of a circle of debris.

            Turning to their co-leader and head doctor, Robin smirks and says, “You want to do some exploring?”

            Her grin is all the confirmation Robin needs.

            Just the two of them go down to the yellow planet, and when they land, they find it’s more of an asteroid than a planet. A bubble-like atmosphere seems the only thing separating them from the rest of space, but as soon as they step out of the drop ship, they find themselves in a terrain similar to a desert.

            Raising her hand, Nancy points to a small formation off in the distance. “What’s that?” she questions.

            Robin shrugs. “Want to check it out?” they ask, taking a few steps towards the silhouette.

            “Why the hell not?”

            The two of them walk for a while before the brunette woman stops, looking down at her arm. “It says the oxygen levels are normal here,” she states, confusion in her voice. “We can breathe without suits.”

            “Are you sure?” Robin asks, raising their brow in skepticism.

            “Yes, I’m sure!” she snaps in return and Robin puts their hands up in surrender. She shoots them a glare and Robin smirks, reminded of their first few months on the ship.

            Robin makes sure to pull their helmet off first, just to see if it’s safe for her (Robin's immortal. It will take a lot more to kill them than it will her.). To Robin's bewilderment, they find that it’s perfectly safe and Robin's brunette princess quickly follows suit.

            “This is weird,” she mutters under her breathe, and keeps walking. Robin lets her take the lead and follows, watching the way she moves as her feet pat lightly against the ground, her neck twisting as she turns her head to look in all directions.

            Suddenly, she stops in her tracks. “That’s…” she trails off, her voice weak with amazement and confusion. “That’s not…possible.”

Walking up to her side, Robin looks up to see what she sees, and their jaw drops open in shock.

            They are standing in front of a gigantic, copper-colored tree.

            A tree.

            In the middle of space.

            With no planets with life in a million light-year radius.

            “How…” Robin starts, and then trails off.

            “I have no idea.” She sounds just as baffled as Robin does. Ever so slowly, she begins walking towards the plant, and as she gets closer, it’s as if the whole tree becomes metallic. The once dull color begins to shine and though it seemed to be solid copper when Robin first saw it, colors such as magenta and cyan now glimmer within the bark.

            “Nancy, be careful,” Robin calls after her, but they don't think she hears them. She is much too enraptured by the miracle before her. Robin takes a few steps forward, only to stop in amazement as the entire tree seems to spring to life.

Once dead branches have leaves sprouting from them and just before she places her hand against the bark, the entire tree shines brighter than the sun and Robin has to shield their eyes.

            Everything flashes and Robin calls out her name.

            Robin's blinded for a few moments afterwards. Then, the black spots finally disappear from their eyes and when Robin can see again, Robin sees the woman who they have fallen in love with walking towards them, a look of confusion on her face, as if she was trying to remember a dream after she had woken up.

            Her expression does not change as she continues to look at Robin.

            Instead she stops a few yards away from Robin, her tongue darting out to wet her lips before she pressed them together and furrowed her brow, her eyes still studying their face.

            In an instant, everything seems to snap in her mind and her expression goes from confusion to awe-struck wonder. She opens her mouth and says a word Robin never thought they'd hear her say.


            They freeze. Robin's mind races as they tries to remember if they ever told her their real name in this life and their heart stops as they realizes they haven't. There is no way she could know that-


            Robin's eyes snap to hers and the smile on her face grows as she runs and throws her arms around them, pressing her lips to Robin's. They catch her in their arms, still shocked as she buries her hands in Robin's hair and laughs against Robin's mouth.

When she pulls away, there are tears of joy in her eyes. “I remember,” she says. “I remember everything. Egypt. Rome. France. England. New York. Robin, I remember.”

           Robin's sob is caught in their throat as they slants their lips against hers once more. Robin tastes her on their tongue and even after six millennia of life, Robin has never tasted anything sweeter. “I love you,” they murmur as they pull away. “I love you, I love you, I love you.” Robin can’t say it enough. Robin can never say it enough.

           “You’ve found me in every life,” she whispers back, “and I have loved you in every one. I will always love you.”

           She pulls away to look into Robin's eyes and they swear in that moment, they know that fate exists and that everything, every encounter, every hardship, every experience in their long life, has been leading towards this moment.

“You will never lose me again,” she promises and Robin swears their heart is about to burst with joy.

           Because Robin had fallen in love with a mortal. And mortals only do one thing best.

           They love.

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