9 - Anger Issues

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9 - Anger Issues

Michael was actually nervous to go to the club for once. It had been five days since the party and he hadn't talked to them or even heard from them since.

But today was the day. He got a text from Ashton, telling him to go to the club at 10 at night. So now there Michael was, walking into the booming nightclub at 9:55 P.M.

He shakily and slowly walked up the stairs, trying to calm himself down and not embarrass himself before he got completely up there where he presumed the three men already were.

But he was surprised when he didn't see any of them up there. There was only one unfamiliar man there that Michael didn't recognize.

"Who are you?" Michael asked as soon as he saw the man there, standing in the middle of the room with a phone in his hands. He glanced up at Michael with a wicked grin, one that he instantly didn't like.

The man was dressed in a tacky light grey suit that was too tight for him and his stature. He was also wearing too much flashy jewelry with large diamonds in his ears, large chains around his neck, and a large gold watch on his wrist.

"The real question is who are...you?" He hummed out in interest.

"I'm none of your fucking business. Get the fuck out of here." Michael ordered the man, already disliking him. This tone instantly made the man angered.

"You don't order me around. I don't even know who you are, pathetic bitch."

"Funny how I don't know who you are either. So that means you're no one. You're nothing. So...Get. Out." Michael ordered with violence clouding his eyes.

Michael could admit he had slight anger issues. But now was not a moment to really address it.

"You disrespectful bitch!" The man seethed out, pulling a switchblade out of his pocket and instantly going for Michael.

But Michael was a good fighter and he knew how to win against a guy like him.

He easily blocked the stabs the man was trying to blow onto him and his stomach. Michael even managed to punch the man on the face three times and once to his stomach.

"What the hell?" Michael heard, catching him off guard and disrupting his attention when he looked to the side and saw a confused Luke, Ashton, and Calum now upstairs.

The slight moment made Michael not pay attention to the man in front of him, giving him an opportunity. Michael didn't process what happened until he felt it. He felt a sharp, burning feeling on the side of his neck.

He stumbled backwards and held the side of his neck with his hand, looking forwards and seeing blood on his pale hand when he brought it forwards in front of him to see.

He glared at the still unknown man, growling out in anger and pain. He violently grabbed the man's wrist and made him drop the knife before pushing him forwards and landing a sharp punch that sent him to the ground groaning in pain.

Michael was about to go back to the man and start blowing kicks to the already down man, but he was quickly pulled back by a concerned Ashton.

The criminal basically dragged Michael to one of the bar seats, making him sit in it while he forced Michael to remove his hand from the side of his neck.

Ashton stepped in between Michael's legs, looking at the cut that thankfully wasn't too deep. Of course it was bleeding, but only some pressure would stop it.

So the criminal quickly pulled off his white button up, rolling it and pressing it against Michael's neck. Michael looked forwards, trying to ignore Ashton's tattooed arms, chest, and stomach. God...

He suddenly heard something going on in the other side of the room, making him look sideways to see Luke holding the man up with an enraged Calum in front of the man. He grabbed the dropped knife, not even waiting a second before stabbing the man in the stomach.

"Calum!" Michael pushed his way past Ashton, rushing to the stabbed man who was now laying on the ground grasping onto life.

"Fuck!" Michael yelled out, lifting the man's shirt and trying to put pressure on the wound.

"Fucking help me!" He yelled out at them when they just stood there emotionless, not doing anything about the dying man.

"Fuck...Fuck!" Michael yelled out once he saw the life in the man's eyes fade, becoming nothing.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He yelled out, glaring at Calum and pushing at his chest.

But Calum looked unphased. So did the other two.

"You just killed someone!"

"He hurt you." Was all Calum had to say before narrowing his eyes on Michael's still bleeding wound, "Sit down and let Ashton clean you up."

Michael growled out, "Fuck!"

He sat down on the couch, looking at the dead body on the ground and letting Ashton sit next to him to keep pressing his shirt on the side of his neck.

"Why did Nick slice and dice you?" Luke asked when he sat across from Michael, obviously mad but still able to joke around.

"You knew him?"

"He was a friend of ours."

"And you fucking killed him?" Michael asked ridiculously, "What is wrong with you?"

"He hurt you, babe."

"You're always going on about punishing me and hurting me. But now if someone hurts me they die?" Michael yelled out both stressed out and confused.

"We can hurt you in the best ways possible. But that's only us. No one else is allowed to lay a finger on you." Calum said darkly with a cigarette in his hand, still enraged to no extent.

"Does it hurt?" Ashton asked from Michael's close side.

"No fucking shit."

Ashton quickly gripped Michael's chin and forced him to look sideways and at him to display his warning glare.

"Don't test me right now. I'm just trying to help." Ashton said sharply and sternly, but Michael could see the sincere care in the other.

He wasn't missing how the three were pissed off, but still had care deep down for him in this situation. They were pissed Michael was attacked and hurt. But they were also worried about him and just wanted him to be okay.

This made Michael slightly calm down, even if there still was a dead body laying in the room.



What do you think of Mikey's lil anger issue?

And what the three did...a little intense


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