17 - What's Mine Is Yours

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17 - What's Mine Is Yours

Michael was a curious soul. He always had been.

When he was young he always needed to know where his parents were, what his friends were doing, and the school's bully's plans so he could try to stop them.

A lot of people said that's why he ended up becoming an officer, well technically an undercover agent. 

Michael would agree too. But he liked to sound noble and say he was following his father's footsteps. His father was a police officer before he retired, always secretly wishing his son would follow his line of work, even if it was dangerous.

Michael always had a good relationship with his parents with him being the only child. But when he became an officer, it seemed to grow the relationship even more.

His mom and dad called everyday, never missing their daily talks with their son. The only time they didn't call was when Michael was on a case, giving him his professional space. Michael really valued them because of that. He knew if he had to worry about this case and his parents at the same time then he'd most likely explode.

His mind was already running too wild from the curiosity constantly blossoming. He needed to know: what were the four up to and hiding from him? They were radio silent for four whole days. Something was happening.

"What's wrong, babe?"

Michael looked at Luke who was laying down on his fuzzy bed in his personal room he'd shown him before. Michael was instead leaning against the wall across from Luke on the other side of the room.

Luke grinned when Michael looked at him, sitting up and leaning against his arms he put on the sides of the bed.

"I'm thinking."


"What were you doing for the four days, Luke?" Michael narrowed his eyes at him.

Luke sighed out dramatically, "I told you, princess, you don't need to know."

"Don't fucking call me that. And just answer the question." He said sternly, glaring at the blonde.

This easily made Luke's grin turn into a frown. He slowly got off the bed and onto his feet, walking up to the agent. He placed his hands on either side of Michael's head, against the wall, and leaned in dangerously.

"Or what, princess? Are you going to glare at me? How cute."

"Pathetic." Michael scoffed, "You're too scared to answer one simple question of mine."

"Don't make me get Calum."

"Even more pathetic, having to rely on Calum for all the dirty work. Without him, you and Ashton would be nothing."

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