33 - I Dare You

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33 - I Dare You

Michael was ignoring Ashton's dark eyes, Luke's cocky grin, and Calum's harsh hold on his wrist while he brought him into the kitchen.

"Sit." Calum ordered, pushing him into one of the chairs at the dining table. This made Michael look up at the brunette, glaring harshly at the man.

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Or what?" Calum asked challengingly, gripping onto Michael's jaw and teasingly moving in to place his lips just right before Michael's, "You're in no position to talk back to me, princess. Continue with the attitude and you'll see why everyone in the city calls me blood hound."

Michael's breathe hitched from the dark stare and from the sudden closeness to the man. He felt the burning hold on his jaw, reminding him of how powerful Calum really was.

Calum suddenly pulled away and sat next to him like nothing had happened, making Michael blink a few times and sit there quiet, being stuck in his now dirty thoughts.

"Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?" Luke asked from across Michael. This made the officer look towards Luke and Ashton who were already looking at him with matching smirks.

"I don't want to talk to you." Michael rolled his eyes, grabbing the cup of water placed in front of him and taking a sip of it.

"I roofied that drink." Ashton said seriously, making Michael narrow his eyes at the criminal. He looked at the drink, not knowing if Ashton was being serious or not.

"And why would you do that?" He asked, putting the glass down.

"Because I remembered how slutty it made you last time."

Michael glared harshly at the man, still already mad at the man for yesterday's situation. He quickly grabbed the butter knife that was placed at his dining spot, about to get up and let his uncontrolled violence out.

But Calum harshly grabbed his wrist and slammed it down against the table, forcing the knife out of his hand and taking it away from the man.

"I don't need a knife to fucking kill you." Michael hissed out, glaring darkly at Ashton who only smirked at the man.

"It would be helpful though. Wouldn't it?" Luke smirked, nodding at Calum and referencing to the knife that was now in his hand.

"It would be." Calum caught onto it, grinning darkly when he looked sideways and at Michael before he placed the knife against the pretty blonde's throat.

"I dare you to." Michael darkly said, looking into the brown eyes, "I dare you to kill the only person you've ever been able to love. It's hilarious how pathetic you three are. It's all so fucking cliche and gullible too."

"Watch your words, pretty." Calum hummed out, slowly moving the knife down Michael's chest in order to lay it dangerously against the man's crotch, "It would be such a shame for you if I gave a punishment you deserved."

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