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(irene's pov)
hi, i'm irene! i live in a cottage on a farm in the state of kansas and i recently went to nyc to audition for a really advanced dance academy called, dance til' dawn. i would have to stay there for at least 3 years. i mostly dance in my free time, honestly. today is the day that i see if i got in! i really don't know how they do it in nyc, i'm not glamorous like the people on broadway or anyone who lives in those big apartments. my mom knows that i have interest in dance, i didn't know know dance existed when she suggested that she would enroll me into classes. i kind of only did recitals and summer classes so this will be a new start for me at the academy, but i know im ready.
"irene! go get the mail, please! some packages are here." irene's mom said as she was stirring the pasta sauce for dinner. "sure thing!" her daughter got off the couch and grabbed the keys to the mailbox. you see, the mailbox wasn't your normal one in front or near your house. irene would have to bike to get there, she didn't mind at all. the reason why she would have to bike all the way there is because they're on a farm so barns are everywhere, animal's houses, whatever you could find in a farm. irene ran to her bike and pedaled as fast as she could, well... maybe not too fast. "slow down, irene! don't want to bump into a metal pole or something." her dad said. as she approached the mailbox, she got out the key and unlocked the box. she started looking through the envelopes until she saw the one she was looking for, and she indeed find the one she was looking for. the envelope had the academy name on it and a beige colored envelope, irene smiled to herself and biked back home.
"you got the mail?" her mom asked as irene closed the door on her way in. "yea!" irene said as she placed down the boxes and focused on her academy results. "you got your results back from the academy?" irene's mom stated as she sat down next to her daughter, looking at the envelope. "well then, open it?!" she continued. irene ripped the envelope apart and started reading the letter. "turns out, i have to start packing because I GOT IN!!" irene stated happily, smiling. "that's great!" her dad said when he walked into the house. "it's semi-great. i'm going to leave you guys here for at least 3 years!" irene continued to talk about the academy. "but it's ok because during semester breaks you guys could visit!" she said, skipping to her room.
(irene's pov)
i'm super excited for this opportunity. i know that the teachers might be really mean which im scared about, but they'll get better overtime. i guess- i wonder how the people in nyc are, i mean sure, i've visited but not exactly visiting nyc for 3 years because of an academy. i really want to go to julliard when i get to go to college so i think that this academy is good for me. i grab my suitcase and pack my leotards, tights, hair accessories, and most of all, my pointe shoes, i pack my normal ballet shoes just in case. good thing i know how to make my hair into a bun. i continue to pack and call my friends about getting into the academy, i'll be having classes everyday and curfew.
604 words!

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