- 4 / pros and cons -

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a/n : hi guys!! sorry i haven't been posting i started school! i might just make author notes sometimes tho ive lost some motivation but i want my rankings up highhh soo enjoy!!
there was this guy. he was perfect. he was the popular in the academy. and his name is ian hart. he's izzy's brother making izzy, well, izzy hart. him and izzy fight a lot or let's just say they're sibling-frenemies i guess. i didn't mention this but irene had a crush on this guy! "i mean it's a two year age gap, right?" irene explained to izzy and her other friend jaeden. "really? you like my brother? he will break your heart. just a warning don't spill the beans on me. figure it out yourself." izzy explained. "i swear i'm trying to avoid him!" just then eloise williams, the popular girl in the academy, amazing dancer, and with ian. "seriously?! YOU'RE BREAKING UP WITH ME?" eloise spat out, furious, she then spilled water on ian's shirt making everyone watching gasped. eloise walked over to izzy and confronted her about ian which izzy really did not like. "your brother is CRAZY. go fix him!" eloise had said rolling her eyes. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO SPILL HIS TOXIC WASTE ON ME!" izzy said, getting her stuff and walking away. irene stared at ian in awe. "like him?" jaeden questioned literally understanding the assignment. "um... maybe?" irene stated. "i have an idea, let's do a pros and cons list so you're familiar with him. i guess?" he stated.
jaeden asked to borrow irene's computer and pulled up a blank pdf, then asked while making a list. "so, some pros about him?" "he smells like christmas, he's the perfect dancer, he's perfect all in all." irene kept on going and going and jaeden didn't mind. he was typing what irene was saying. an hour later the list was done. jaeden had sent the list to irene so she could admire the list and for a copy so if she loses it or accidentally deletes it she has a copy, i guess. once irene got it she smiled and looked up at jaeden, "thanks! you're the best!" she said as she stood up after sitting down on the stairs and walked to her dorm.
it was 9:20pm and the students needed to be asleep by 9:30. irene was kinda being untidy and talking to her parents on the phone, as she hung up she stood up and said to her roommate, "hey im gonna go to the bathroom i'll be back!" "okay." millie said, bothered. she looked around and thought of a way to get revenge back to irene. her computer caught her eye. millie slowly opened the computer and managed to get in, she was looking through the files until she saw a specific file called, "ian hart" millie smirked as she opened it. she thought to herself, "oh ian is going to love this."  while she said that in her mind, she sent the file to everyone in the academy. millie heard footsteps and closed the computer quickly. "why is my computer there? i thought it was over there since i did put it there." irene said clueless. "oh! your computer looks really cool so i decided to look at what model it is so i know what computer i'm getting next!" millie smiled as she was nodding. "well, ok... goodnight!" her roommate said as she pressed the button to turn off the lamp and drifted off to sleep.
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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