- 3 / arrival and plans -

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(irene's pov)
i grabbed my suitcase and bags, dad was going to drive me to the academy. i'm really going to miss it here at the farm, let's just hope i don't turn into those fancy nyc people.. i walked outside and opened my dad's car trunk. it's going to be a long day... i put my suitcase and bag into the trunk, i then closed it. a couple of hours later, i waved goodbye to everyone. "bye mom!" i waved. i then went into the car and started on my journey.
(a couple of hours later)
irene was sleeping in the car during the ride to the academy, "sweetie! wake up!" irene's dad said as he nudged his daughter. "we're here.." irene said, smiling as she got out of the car and looked up at the academy. irene got her stuff out of the trunk, waved bye to her dad who drove off, then she walked inside the academy. i saw some people i didn't know but then i saw that chris guy, ew. i asked the front desk for where the dorms were and went there, as i walked into the dorm i had to be in millie was standing there folding her clothes. "oh, great! you're here!" millie said smiling while putting her folded clothes away. after millie put the clothes away, she quickly walked over to irene and hugged her. "i'm so happy you're here!" she continued.
irene quickly changed into her ballet leotard and tights. she was walking until she got stopped by izzy, the girl who millie warned irene about. "hey girll! you're rooming with me!" izzy said, smiling. "wait- but i'm rooming with mil-" irene got cut off by izzy with her saying, "so? i'll just get her to sign this form so you could move with me!" izzy grabbed the form out of her bag and showed irene. "how are we going to force her to even get her to LOOK at the paper?-" irene questioned. "well... you could probably use millie's skincare stuff, or hog the dorm room saying that you're homesick so that she could understand? or even feel bad?" izzy suggested. "oh cmon, feel bad? for crying out loud it's millie she wont even feel bad one bit!" "pleaseee?! cmon, i know you want to room with me." izzy said. "okay, fine i'll do it." irene rolled her eyes sarcastically. "yay!!"
(timeskip after class and it's plan time)
millie went into her dorm room to see her lotion, deodorant, toothpaste, and hair stuff have been used by irene. "sorry millie, i get homesick and it just effected me right now, i hope you dont mind with me using some of your stuff." irene said looking up at millie. "yeah, sure." millie said, smiling sarcastically. irene smirked after millie rolled her eyes. there were clothes all over the floor and irene's farm decorations. "um, it's getting kind of late. i think we should go to bed." millie suggested. "oh well, i stay up late when it comes to bedtime when i was staying at the farm." irene stated. "oh, okay? lights out at 11 though.." millie said as she was putting her sleeping mask on.
(the next day)
irene was doing her last plan to get millie to sign the form that izzy gave irene. it was 9:30am meaning they had 10 mins to get ready for dance class. "you don't want to get late for class, do you?" millie asked. "oh yeah!" irene left the room and locked millie in the door. "millie! i think i got your key on accident! can you come get it?!" irene shouted. "sure.." millie walked over to the door and tried opening it. "hey!" she said trying to open it. "millie we'll let u out just PLEASEE sign this form, irene really wants to room with me." izzy said. "you sure you aren't forcing her to room with you? i'm not letting her become a rulebreaker like you. the academy doesn't even take you seriously!LET ME OUT I AM GOING TO BE LATE FOR CLASS!" millie shouted. "i do want to room with her!" irene said. millie got a bobby pin and unlocked the door. she then opened the door a bit. "you wanna know the reason why i'm not signing it?" she continued to rant. "it's because you're forcing me. now, excuse me i have to get to class!" millie continued as she bumped her shoulders into izzy's and irene's. the two late girls looked at each other and sighed.
784 words
A/N : i'm gonna end up not posting that much bc i'm starting school tmmr so yeah 😭 im rlly excited and nervous

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