- 2 / flashback to auditions -

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irene rushed into the academy and looked the paper where the map was but couldn't locate the girls dressing rooms. almost everyone was dressed but this one girl, irene ran over to her. "hey! um, i need the girls dressing room... can you help me, please?" irene asked the blonde-strawberry hair colored girl. "yeah, sure turn over there and on your left." she stated. "ok, thanks!" irene smiled as she followed the directions. "ok finally..." she said to herself when she entered the dressing room. irene had her undershirt on but then some boy came into the room. "enjoying yourself?" he said as irene gasped and hid herself. "THIS IS THE GIRLS DRESSING ROOM! GET OUT!" irene shouted. "urinals are over there?" he said. "uh... you didn't see me!"
let's just say that irene DID change into her ballet tights and the uniform. "pilè one! two!" mrs. rae said, the teacher. "good, get the bar!" she continued. "rick, this boy, Chris didn't bring any tights." mrs. rae stated meaning the boy irene saw in the changes room didn't get any tights. "hey, you see the blonde-strawberry hair girl you were talking to? yeah... that's izzy. if the academy knows that you're talking to her, they won't take you seriously in dance. be friends with me instead, i'm millie." a girl said during break. she stuck her hand out indicating that irene should shake her hand. "oh, um... sure!" irene shook her hand as she went in front of the bar. "so, i have this thing, where i'm in front when it's bar time? not to be rude or anything but i'm just in front the class." millie stated. "yeah, yeah sure! my bad." irene took a step back.
"guess what! i'm rooming with you! meaning i'll be your roommate!" millie smiled. "that's great!" irene thought to herself, she's finally making a friend. "does that mean that if i get into the academy, i room with you?" irene asked. "yes, but... don't get your hopes up high about getting into the academy." millie said back. "right.." irene talked back. mrs. rae finally dismissed the audition people and irene went into the dorm where millie was. it was currently 9pm, woah... auditions were long... like really long! irene and millie got ready for bed and went to sleep. irene and the others were going back to their home, they were going to wait for their academy letter.
463 words!
AUTHORS NOTE : sorry that i didn't really put any effort into this chapter but i'm tired bc i had like 4 classes of dance today 😭 and i'm going to legoland and sea world (idk how to feel abt sea world) so i might not upload some chapters but maybe on the way there. peace!!

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