"Honorable Queen, the ruler of Egypt has prepared another festival for the mortals abandoned by the ennead." Rana says. Years have passed since Nefertari accepted the proposal of being Seth's Queen.
"Another festival?" Nefertari sighs. She wasn't really a huge fan of the festivals organized by her King but as his Queen it was her duty to accompany him everywhere he goes. "That's why I told you to not to be Seth's Queen!" Hathor enters the room and everybody except for Nefertari kneels and bows in respect to the beautiful Goddess of Love and Beauty. "Sister!" Nefertari's face immediately lightens up seeing her elder sister who had a small frown on her face still a little upset that her beloved little sister willingly became the Queen of somebody like Seth.
"Come on don't be angry sister. It's been years!!" Nefertari says. "You are the Goddess of mirth meaning laughter, joy, happiness. You aren't meant to be in such a violent and bloody place where only agony and sadness exist." Hathor says. "Without sadness, happiness has no meaning. Plus I have many more titles other than just mirth, I represent divine feminine energy as well along with few other titles ya'know." Nefertari pouts as everybody seems to only remember her being the embodiment of mirth.
Hathor just laughs at her younger sister's childishness. "Ofcourse we know that you aren't just the goddess of mirth but also wine, entertainment, dance, passion, seduction and femininity. But somebody as bright, kind and pure like you isn't supposed to be with somebody as cruel and evil like Seth. He doesn't deserve you." she says. Nefertari just smiles at her elder sister's concern for her as she gets ready for the day.
"It seems like you're in a good mood today." Nefertari says accepting Seth's extended hand as she ascends up the stairs. Seth pulls Nefertari for a kiss which she didn't object. "The Caravan has presented us with excellent varieties of slaves to entertain us for today." he says leading her towards her throne. "Is it? If so then I am looking forward for today's celebration." Nefertari says as Seth takes his place besides her.
On cue, the doors below the elevated platform they were on opened and a group of women slaves, all bruised and battered stepped out. They were shivering with fear as they held the lowest quality of armor and weapons any man could find.
"None of them look like Isis except for their haircut."
Nefertari thinks as she looks at the slaves comparing their features with the image of Isis in her head. And indeed they had no similarities with Isis except for their hair.
"I'm bored.."
She sighs which Seth notices and signals for the festival to begin. On the other side of the arena, a young muscular man wearing a strange falcon headdress stood catching her attention.
"I do not slay women."
He says.
"Oh, okay. Wait- did he come here just to defy Seth's orders?"
Nefertari observed them for a while until she was sure that he had come there just to get himself killed by Seth's wrath.
"Fool, going against a God. And not just any God but Seth. He's gonna get himself killed."
Nefertari just silently observes as Seth sends Anubis to fight the man. "Anubis, Anubis, Anubis.... Only if I could do something for you." Nefertari thinks as she watches Anubis battle the mortal as she rests her head on Seth's shoulder leaning to his embrace.
"My, oh my! The pigeon has some skills."
Seth comments as the mortal managed to cut off a portion of the demi-god's ear making Nefertari's eyes go wide. "This moron got the guts to hurt Anubis?"
"I am a falcon. And I don't think it's time for you to be so laid back."
"Falcon or pigeon. I'm going to fry him and feed him to the mortals begging in the streets-"
"It's been a while Seth." the rulers of the land hear a familiar voice. "Say your greetings Horus, this is your uncle Seth." Nefertari turns around to look at Isis who was holding a dagger at Seth's throat.
"So this is Horus... Looks quite good for Osiris's son."
Seth lets out a laugh after Horus greets him. His laugh boomed at the whole arena making the ones present there shiver in fear.
"Okay, now I'm offended. I wasn't given an introduction neither received any greetings. Like come on! I'm the favorite daughter of Ra and one of the unique, beautiful and important Goddesses in Egypt."
"Is this a prank Isis? You must've been enjoying your life, seeing how you've had affair with another man and even bore his child." Seth says.
"Watch your mouth. I could be the one to cut your throat not my son."
"Oh dear. Are you trying to make me laugh right now? No.... wait. You must be swinging this thing at me as you think, I'll die if you cut my throat. You're as foolish as ever, Isis." Seth says and suddenly a tornado made of sand swept the goddess of magic alerting Horus. Horus tried to run to his mother but Seth manipulate the sand and caught his feet resulting him to fall face first on ground.
"What exactly happened when I was gone? When did such bitterness take birth in their relationship?"
Nefertari watches as Seth asks Isis who she shared her body with and how much he longed for her presence.
"Okay now is that an insult to me? My pride as the Goddess of Seduction and passion is hurt now."
Nefertari just sat there on her throne which she shifted to another position to get a better view of the drama watching it all unfold without trying even the slightest to stop the fight as she was busy sharpening her nails.
"Who else? Don't you know very well that there's only one man in this world whom I would ever give my body to?"
"What nonsense are you spouting Isis?"
"It seems like you don't know yet but when you butchered Osiris's body into nine you were so kind as to throw him into the Nile, where the spirit of Osiris overflows. You're as foolish as ever little brother."
Before Nefertari could react, the loud painful screams of her once favorite demi-god filled her ears. Nefertari quickly stopped what she was doing and looked up to see Seth choking Isis.
After Horus pierced a sword on the unamused Seth, Isis fell on the ground on her knees breathing heavily. She looked up to meet the same amethyst eyes looking down at her with the same expression during their first meeting.
"Ne-Nefertari! Goddess!" Isis exclaims in relief seeing her friend and tries reaching to her but Seth stops her by grabbing her hair.
"Children shouldn't interfere when adults are talking." Nefertari who suddenly appeared besides Horus caught the arm which tried to attack Seth. "Seth, let go of Isis. And Horus let go of that weapon." Nefertari says but none of them obeyed her. "Seth, Horus I command you to let go of the things that your hands currently hold." Nefertari commands. It was one of her specialties or powers as a Goddess, she could command anybody as long as her seduction works on them.
"Good to see that you finally remembered me, Isis." Nefertari says looking at Isis. "Do you now deem me so low that you don't me as worthy of an introduction or greetings?"
"A-are you offended that only Seth was introduced and greeted?"
"Nonsense- yes I was, my pride as a Goddess was hurt." Nefertari replies resulting them to sweat drop.

♥*♡∞:。.。𝓢𝓮𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷,, ᵉⁿⁿᵉᵃᵈ 。.。:∞♡*♥
Fanfiction!𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌! 𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔥𝔴𝔞 𝔰𝔭𝔬𝔦𝔩𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔩𝔶 𝔯𝔢𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔯@𝔭𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔰3𝔵𝔲𝔞𝔩 @𝔰𝔰𝔞𝔲𝔩𝔱