The second match ended with Horus being announced as the winner. Nefertari and Seth were both shocked and confused when his boat turned out to be made of stone instead of wood like they had noticed during the match.
"Maybe this guy can put an end to all of this. Nephthys, Anubis and my Nefert will finally be able to break free from me. Isn't that what you thought?"
Sekhmet asked. Nefertari who was passing by halted on her ways surprised to hear her elder sister's voice in Seth's abode. She peeked inside to see Sekhmet and Seth conversing, Nefertari decided to let Sekhmet do whatever she wanted to do with Seth and move on. Before continuing to where she was heading her amethyst eyes met another pair of amethyst which was so similar yet so different from hers. Nefertari knew another destruction was on her way, which was directed towards her Seth. She wanted to stop but her legs just kept on moving away from there. Her brain refused to follow her orders, she finally came to halt when she was far away from there.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Nefertari turns to her side to the source of the voice to meet her reflection. "Not again." she thinks.
"Are you going to save Seth?" her reflection asked.
"Sister is whispering words of destruction. I need to stop it-"
"Why do you need to stop it? Why do you care so much for Seth? By chance did you fall for him-"
"Nonsense! I would never fall for him! I am the Goddess of Seduction! Seduction: Art of manipulating another in for benefit! seduction means only passion and sex! Nothing else! I can't fall in love neither can anybody fall in love with me!"
"Exactly, you aren't supposed to fall in love neither supposed to be loved. Your only motive is benefit. The crown, the throne of Egypt. Don't you remember why you agreed to be Seth's Queen?"
"I do... to see chaos and destruction."
"Exactly! Chaos and destruction, Sekhmet is destruction herself. Let her bring you what you desired for. The downfall of Seth-"
Nefertari breaks the mirror as soon as she heard those last three words. "How dare she? That vile woman dared to mutter such words from her mouth." Nefertari looks at the broken pieces of mirror.
"N-Nefertari-" she looks behind to meet a concerned Isis. "Are you okay?" she asks concerned for her friend. "I- Yes.. Thank you for your concern, Isis." Nefertari sighs massaging her temples.
"It must have been Seth." Isis frowns.
"How can I help you, Isis?" Nefertari smiles at her old friend. "You look stressed. It's better for me not to ask for your help at the current moment." Isis says. "No, no, not at all. It's okay. Tell me what you want Isis." Nefertari says catching her hands. "I-I don't know how to ask for this. You look really tired so I don't think you're willing to do it now." Isis says. "Just tell me Isis. I'll do it." Nefertari smiles.
"I-I want you to bless my son." Isis says. "Bless Horus?" Nefertari asks. "Yes." Isis replies. "Only if you're willing to!" Isis panics as she watches Nefertari's smile fade.
"This is your chance, Nefertari." Nefertari looks at the broken pieces of mirrors shocked to see her reflection was still present in those broken pieces smirking.
"Horus and Seth both have won one match each. With Seth's loss today the outcome of the next task look different from what we imagined before. This is your chance to hold on to your position as the Queen, accept Isis's request and bless Horus. If Horus ends up as the winner, you can bear his off spring and be his Queen and if Seth wins, it's obvious that you will remain his Queen."
'But my blessing doesn't include the production of any off spring.' she thought
"Oh silly Nefertari. Isis isn't asking a minor blessing, look at her body language! Observe her, study her. She asking for the bigger blessing!"
Nefertari studies Isis's body language as her reflection suggested, Isis didn't look like her fierce, confident usual self. She looked rather hesitant and timid. "Isis.... by any chance are you asking for the bigger blessing?"
Isis's expression was more than enough for Nefertari to understand the answer to her question.
"Now if you provide an off spring to Horus after he becomes the King, your position as the Queen is confirmed and secured! You have always been dear to Isis, she will take you as Horus's bride without any hesitation."
'But Seth-'
"It's not like his your husband or you're in love with him or something. You yourself have denied it several time so why are you showing hesitation?
DO IT NEFERTARI! DO IT! ACCEPT ISIS'S PROPOSAL! SHARE A BED WITH HORUS! THIS IS YOUR ONLY WAY OF SECURING YOUR POSITION AS THE QUEEN!""Nefertari, I understand if you don't want to. Not everybody is worthy of your-" Isis is soon cut off which the laughter of Nefertari. "Oh my dear Isis. You never fail to amuse me. I never thought you would be so hesitant and scared of me for something as minor as this." she laughs.
"So do you agree for this?" Isis asks. "As long as Horus is ready to receive my blessing." Nefertari says. "We are! We were just not sure whether you would agree or not but thank god that you agreed!" Isis says in relief. "Your welcome. And what do you mean by 'we' Isis? Are you too seeking for my blessing." Nefertari teases causing Isis to be a blushing and stuttering mess resulting her to chuckle. "Isis is really fun to tease." Nefertari says pecking her cheeks and entering the room leaving Isis outside surprised, red.
"It's larger than I expected." Nefertari thinks as she enters the room. "Goddess Nefertari..." she turns around to see Horus. "Horus..... Now that I think of it, we've never really met each other or introduced each other properly. How about we introduce ourselves first?" she suggests.
"I am Horus, the son of the Goddess of Magic Isis and the God of Afterlife Osiris." he introduces himself just like how Nefertari said. "Well I am the daughter of the Mighty Sun God Ra, the Goddess of mirth, wine, entertainment, passion, seduction and femininity, Nefertari. It's a pleasure to meet you, Horus." she says. "The pleasure is all mine Goddess." he says.
"Do you mind if I?" Nefertari signals to the headdress and Horus shakes his head as no he had no problem. Nefertari removes her heavy headdress first then moves towards Horus. She slowly removes his headdress and keeps it aside.
Her amethyst eyes clash with his blue eyes. She takes in all his features and couldn't help but admire it. "Your eyes are as blue and beautiful as the blue Nile." the words leaves Nefertari's mouth making a light layer of blush form on his face. "Looks like tonight's pleasure of blessing will be all mine." Nefertari pushes Horus on the bed as she crawls over to him.

♥*♡∞:。.。𝓢𝓮𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷,, ᵉⁿⁿᵉᵃᵈ 。.。:∞♡*♥
Fanfiction!𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌! 𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔥𝔴𝔞 𝔰𝔭𝔬𝔦𝔩𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔩𝔶 𝔯𝔢𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔯@𝔭𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔰3𝔵𝔲𝔞𝔩 @𝔰𝔰𝔞𝔲𝔩𝔱