Chapter 15: The Maze (UPDATED)

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Valant put one foot in front of the other, keeping one eye on Darya's back and the other on the ground. Now that their eyes had adjusted to the darkness, there was just enough light to see by. Not light in the traditional sense, like from the sun or an oil lamp, but a pale glow emanating from nowhere and everywhere—like a weaker version of Zeny's holy light.

The floor was uneven in places. Here and there, fallen rocks littered the tunnel. Valant tried to watch his step, but his eyes kept wandering to Darya, specifically to where the knapsack pressed against the faded red skirt.

He shouldn't look at her that way, but how could he not? In the faint starlight glow of the tunnel, his childhood friend was transformed from a weary, dirty traveler to a faerie princess. Borrowed clothes not old and worn but of the finest cloth and cut, hair gleaming like spun gold, skin white and pure as snow. A crown should she wear and—

A sharp pain lanced up Valant's leg, and he stumbled, stepping on a lump of rock with his other foot. He tumbled gracelessly forward, arms flailing, sack smacking into the back of his head. The ground came up fast.

Darya spun around, caught his hand, and yanked Valant upright so hard it felt like his arm had been ripped off. It shouldn't have been possible. No woman—maybe except Tessa—was that strong. And did Darya have eyes in the back of her head now?

Yet Meika—a girl with but a fraction of Valant's strength—had pushed Darya into the pool, easy as that. When they had time, they should sit down and figure out how their newfound powers worked. Their lives might depend on knowing what they were and how to use them.

"Are you all right?" Darya said, the concern in her voice unmistakable.

"I'm fine," Valant muttered. He was embarrassed, his arm hurt like hell, and they stood uncomfortably close like they had in the temple corridor. "But can you please not crush my hand—I might need it later." Her grip was like a vise, relentless and inescapable.

Darya immediately let go and took a step back. "I'm sorry! I... I have no control over it. One moment I'm as strong a bull. The next, back to my old self."

Valant rubbed his hand and tested the shoulder. "I'll be fine. Nothing to worry about. But we really should figure out how your powers work. Being able to detect lies is definitely a boom, but your strength—and reflexes—could get you in trouble if you can't control them."

"What do you mean 'reflexes'?"

"I've never seen anyone move so fast, Darya. I stumbled and couldn't even catch myself. You had your back to me but spun around and pulled me up before I hit the ground. Not even your grumpy old cat is that quick."

"Oh... I... you're right. I didn't think. I just did it. Pure reflex."


"Are you two lovebirds coming?" Meika's voice called from further down the corridor.

Valant peered into the gloom, barely making out Meika's outline. Her faded blue dress didn't stand out like Darya's white, red, and saffron outfit. "Yes. Once Darya is done tearing my arm off."

"For the record, Socks is not a grumpy cat. Nor is he old. He just doesn't like you. He knows you're up to no good," Darya joked, tossed her hair, and moved to rejoin Meika.

Valant followed, paying more attention to his surroundings and less to Darya's backside. Everything about the tunnel was weird, not just the light. The stone was too uniform to be natural. In places, it was wider or narrower, or the roof came down a foot, but for the most part, it was nine feet tall and maybe ten wide. The tunnel had obviously been made by someone. But who? Valant had no idea. It must have taken forever or required thousands of workers. How had they done it? There wasn't a single tool mark anywhere. And where had the excavators put all the rock? When had it been made? Not anytime recent. But more than anything, Valant wondered why they—whoever they were—had built it. It wasn't a mine, as far as Valant could tell. No signs of ores having been extracted or precious gems dug out. It was the same gray stone throughout.

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