Chapter 3

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Kuroo's POV

Tobio had told me something funny that he had done in class and I had barely recovered from my near fatal laughing attack. I was pushing him on the swing while he was giggling and smiling very widely.

"ONII-CHAN!!!!! I AM FLYING" Tobio yelled in delight.

I smiled at him.

"Yes you are, Tobio. And I will do everything I can to keep you flying."

"Kuroo-nii chan? Are you ok?" Tobio asked concernedly.

I smiled down at him but my thoughts were back to the terrible moment I had heard that my parents were dead and I couldn't help them.

My thoughts wandered to Lev and I wondered how he was doing with his mission. He was so excited about the chance to prove himself but I knew he couldn't defeat Kenma. I was hoping she was curious so she would come and check it out. Kenma's idiot dad was the one who killed my parents. I don't blame Kenma. I already got revenge on her father but I feel like I somewhat owe it to her to keep her safe. Her dad was not a good person and her childhood was most likely traumatic. I help everyone I can even if they don't want my help. Even if everybody's scared of me.

Kenma POV

I was almost there. Almost at the idiots' hideout. If that's even what you wanna call it. Their info is sooo easy to get once I know there names. My cramps are getting worsr by the moment. But I think I can endure it. As I pass by the playground next to the hideout' I hear giggling. It sounds like a man and a little kid, a really adorable one, too.

"ONII CHAN!!!!! I AM FLYING," I hear the kid say. AWWW MY HEART, HE SOUNDS SO CUTE. Wait no. Bad Kenma. Deliver the bean man and go home. "Yes you are Tobio. And I will do everything I can do to keep you flying." the man says. Tobio? I feel like I've heard that name before. I wince as a sharp pain stabs my side, letting out a small gasp. The voices go silent, but I can still hear the swing creaking. Why is Lev so heavy? Why do I have to drag him here in the first place? Why can't I just go home and sleep? I grumble internally. "Kuroo-nii-chan? Are you okay?" I heard the kid again. Kuroo? He's here? Crap. Oh well. I guess I'll just dump off Lev and dip.

I step out of the shadows, hoisting Lev onto my shoulder, then yeeting him down in front of the man and kid. I "tsk," looking at Kuroo's face. "This your manz?" I smirk, glaring at him dead in the eyes.

Kuroo's POV

I smiled seeing Lev lying in front of the famed assassin but internally grimaced. Poor guy'll be sore for days. I opened my mouth to reply to her excellently phrased question but furrowed my eyebrows in concern as she let out a gasp and grabbed her stomach. What was wrong? Did she consume a poison? She was muttering something under her breath very angrily. I strained to hear...

"Stupid...idiotic...inconvenient...why...time of month..."

OHHHHHH. It was cramps. She was on her period. She turned around to run but I was concerned. She already pushed herself to her limit. She crumpled to the ground.

"OH!" I cried, rushing towards her. I picked her up gently and turned to Tobio.

"Come on Tobi" I called. "We'll come back later."

"Ok onii chan" cutely jumping off the swing.

I nodded hello to Yaku and Yamamoto who were hanging around the entrance. I handed Tobio over to his babysitter, Oikawa who Tobio hated with all his heart and then some more. Then, I walked down the hall to the room I had prepared for her (Kenma) cuz I had too much free time and I was bored. After I tucked her into the bed and locked the door (I can let her roam after I explain everything), I went to yell at Sakusa to go and stay with her until she wakes up and not to call me unless there was an extreme emergency. (Zombie apocalypse, someone's death, enemy mafia, etc...)

The Black Cat- (fem!kenma x kuroo)Where stories live. Discover now