Vance hopper (just meeting)

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Vance pov

I start walking into the arcade to see everyone surrounding my favourite."what the fucks going on.." I start walking over to the crowd shoving people out of my way. There's a girl playing "look Y/n beat your high score" someone says punching my arm lightly "don't fucking touch me." He backs away a little "who even is Y/n? Is she new" I say a little confused "she moved here last week she's going to our school I think". How is she still going I thought to myself

Y/n's pov

This is the farthest I've gotten I really hope I don't mess up while almost everyone in the arcade is watching. Someone shoved my shoulder causing me to mess up. "Shit I'm so sorry y/n" one of the girls say "all good don't worry about it" I say smiling "she's nothing like Vance he would have raged and blamed everyone around him.." I heard a lot of people say I just stand there awkwardly. "We'll I should get going I don't want my mom worrying about me" I try to get out as fast as possible. I look to the corner of my eye and see a a boy following behind me. "Hey y/n right" I turn around to see the same boy that followed me out "oh yeah I'm y/n" I say taking a little to reply " You've got a lot of nerves to beat my high score" oh shit is that Vance is he mad probably I overthinking way to much. "what are you going to say anything?" He raises an eyebrow "oh I'm sorry I didn't know you cared that much about a silly arcade game." Shit was that to much I should've have said that I feel so dumb now.

Vance's pov

Wtf did she really just say that a silly arcade game?! "It's obviously not silly if you can get that type of high score in one game" I say trying really hard not to get mad. "My older bothers play that game so I've had a lot of practice" me and y/n talk for about a 3 minutes. "I should probably get going now" but before she goes she pulls out a pen and write down her number on my arm. She smiles at me and walks away

A/n omg this one is so cute I was going to make him a little meaner cus Yk 🤷‍♀️

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