Bruce yamada [can I barrow a pencil]

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Y/n's pov

I hear my brother yelling my name "Y/N WAKE UP WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!!" He tells like five times "FINE OMG" I yell back. I get ready only having 20 minutes. Y/N HURRY!" He yells at me again. I walk downstairs "ok ok I'm ready"   "Ok hurry up."

After you get to school with your brother

"I'm so tired"I say before I see Donna
"Hey Donna!!" I say running up to her "Hey y/n how was your night" she says smiling  "it was alright my brother was being a ass tho" I said laughing a bit "yeah I get what you mean"

Time skip to 4th period
Y/n's pov

I'm 2 minutes late but the teacher isn't here mhm I just go sit down by Donna "hey Donna where's the teacher"
"I'm not sure I think she went to get something" the teacher walked into class 3 minutes late I guess it's not that bad. 10 minutes into the lesson I feel a tap "Hey y/n can I barrow a pencil?"
He says whispering so the teacher wouldn't hear "oh yeah ofc" I whisper back giving him a pencil. 

A/n this one was kinda short and I was out of ideas I probably make a better one soon 😭

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