C1: Just A Tutor

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I suddenly wake up in a messed up bed with a blanket on my body, I look to the left of me and a lanky white male with some-what messy auburn hair is laying on his stomach. I immediately turn red as a strawberry and get up wrapping my body with the blanket protecting me from anyone seeing my body. I look around trying to find all my clothes that have been strewn all over my room. I put on my bra, underwear, my gray sweater and my blue jean shorts. I walk out the room and into a nearby bathroom, I brush my blonde hair and put it in a messy low bun.

I walk into my bedroom and the then sleeping boy is looking around for his clothes in his boxers. I slightly scream and put my hands on my eyes. "Sorry, sorry, should've knocked." I apologize. "It's okay, ahh there it is!" the semi naked boy says. He puts his uniform on and smiles. "You can look now." he says smirking. I remove my hands from my eyes and look at his smirking face. "We did it again!" I say as I look at the clock on my side table, "and we're late!" I some-what yell and grab my books.

We walk out the front door and he follows me. "Why are you following me?" I ask clutching my books. "Because we're going to the same place and the same class." he says sarcastically. I look into his amber-colored eyes and fixes his hair, "You part your hair to the right, correct?" I ask as I part his hair to the right. "Awh you remembered." he says teasingly and smiles. We continue walking to our school in silence. "You know we can't keep doing that, you know?" I say while looking at my feet. "Awh why? No one's going to find out." he says with a giant smirk. "I'm here to help with homework not to help with your other needs." I say sarcastically but its true. He grabs my chin and caresses it and I blush slightly. "Nobody has to know. It's a secret between you and me." he says softly making me feel safe that he can keep our secret.

We walk into our class 1-A separately, him first and me second. "You're late, Miss Kojima." the teacher says tensely. "Yes sorry, won't happen again." I say while walking to my seat. "This is unlike you, Misaki. Is something wrong?" she asks very soft-spoken. "No" I say toneless and rest my chin on my hand.

It's my last and final class for the day. I start walking out the door but the teacher says, "Hey wait, Misaki." I turn to look at the teacher holding a piece of paper. She holds it out and I grab and look at it. "That's Hikaru's grade he got." she smiles. "A B+? Huh" I say and look at the smiling teacher. "You've been tutoring him well." She says and pats my head. I look at her with a forced smile and the memory of last night immediately comes back. "Haha, yeahhh, thanks. I'll give this to him." I say while walking out the door. Where could this man be. I start walking around the halls. I see a door that is labeled Music Room 3. I've seen him walk into this room several times. Should I go in?

I open the door and a bright shining light is striking into my eyes and red roses fly towards me. The light goes away and seven people including Hikaru is standing looking at me. A blonde boy touches my chin and caresses it. "Welcome, princess." he says welcoming. I remove his hand from my chin, "Uh no thanks." I say and he goes into a corner looking gloomy. I pull out a piece of paper and holds it out towards Hikaru, "This is your test, I circled the ones that are wrong and clarified why you got it incorrect." I say as he takes the paper and looks at it. "Anyways have fun with this uh-" I say looking around trying to figure out what it is. "A host club." a guy with glasses says. I look at him in confusion. "There's a host club in this school?" I say scratching my chin. "Well have fun pleasing girls." I say waving and walking towards the door. A short honey-blonde boy with a bunny is pulling on my sweater's sleeve. "Don't leave yet. Can you eat cake with me? Please?" he asks with puppy dog eyes. I look at him and kneel down so we're on the same level. I keep on staring. I can't say no to this boy! He's just so adorable! I pat him on the head, "Okay, I guess I'll stay a bit longer." I say and stand up, he hugs me. "Yayyy, I'm Honey by the way." I shake his hand, "I'm Misaki Kojima."

"Kojima? I don't think I've heard that family name before. Are you a commoner?" The blonde boy with purple eyes look at me. I look him, "Yeah I guess you could say that." I say and chuckle. "You have pretty eyes." I say as I point at him. I could see he slightly blushes and looks away. Honey lets me go and the blonde guy sticks his hand out, "I'm Tamaki." he says and I shake his hand. "Misaki." I respond. "That's Kyoya." he points at the guy with glasses. "That's Honey and Mori." he points at the tall guy and the small blond boy. "That's Hikaru and Kaoru." he says as pointing at the twins. I point at the small brown haired girl. "Who's that?" I ask. "I'm Haruhi." she says and shakes my hand. "Nice to meet you, Haruhi." I say and smile.

A blonde boy hands me a piece of strawberry cake and I take it. "Strawberry cake! I love strawberry cake!" I say with excitement. "Really? Me too!" he says with the cutest smile in the world. I look at Hikaru who is waving me over. I walk over and sit down my cake on the table, sitting down next to him. "Sorry, I know you probably just wanted me to go but I just couldn't say no to Honey." I whisper as I look at him with a glimmer in my eyes. He looks at me with confusion, "What? No? I didn't want you to go. I need help understanding why I got some of these questions wrong." He smiles as I grab out my English book. I point at the first question, "Well first off you used the wrong 'there' and you forgot a comma after this word." I say as I drag my finger along his written words. He holds my left hand and I start to slightly blush. We look into each-other's eyes with much allure. I then continue teaching him.

*Buzz* *Buzz* *Buzz*

I take out my phone and answer it, "Sissy, mommy's mad again." my little brother says. I look at my watch and stand up. "Shit, okay don't worry. I'm coming, go into your special spot okay, Asahi?" I say as I take my bag and run out towards the door. "I'll be back tomorrow." I say and smile.

I run into my house and mother is yelling and breaking things. I put down my things gently. "Hey mom, mom?" I say softly. She slaps me and a red mark appears on my face and I wince. "Shit ouch. Asahi grab the photo!" I yell at my brother as he runs out his door and into another. He runs out with a photo of me, my brother, my mother and my father. I take it and give it to mother, she looks at it and tears up. "Look, look, mom everything is okay." she takes it and passes out on the couch. I kneel at my brother so we are level and put my hands on his cheeks. "She didn't hurt you, did she?" I ask looking for marks or bruises on his body. "No sissy, she didn't." I tightly embrace him and smile. "Good, Good."


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